Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders Namespace

namespace Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders


interface IDirectoryContents
Represents a directory’s content in the file provider.
interface IFileInfo
Represents a file in the given file provider.
interface IFileProvider
A read-only file provider abstraction.


class CompositeFileProvider
Looks up files using a list of Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.IFileProvider.
class EmbeddedFileProvider
Looks up files using embedded resources in the specified assembly. This file provider is case sensitive.
class FileSystemInfoHelper
class NotFoundDirectoryContents
Represents a non-existing directory
class NotFoundFileInfo
Represents a non-existing file.
class NullChangeToken
An empty change token that doesn’t raise any change callbacks
class NullFileProvider
An empty file provider with no contents.
class PhysicalFileProvider
Looks up files using the on-disk file system