Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http Namespace

namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http


interface IFormCollection
Represents the parsed form values sent with the HttpRequest.
interface IFormFile
Represents a file sent with the HttpRequest.
interface IFormFileCollection
Represents the collection of files sent with the HttpRequest.
interface IHeaderDictionary
Represents HttpRequest and HttpResponse headers
interface IHttpContextAccessor
interface IHttpContextFactory
interface IQueryCollection
interface IRequestCookieCollection
Represents the HttpRequest cookie collection
interface IResponseCookies
A wrapper for the response Set-Cookie header.
interface ISession


struct Enumerator
struct FragmentString
Provides correct handling for FragmentString value when needed to generate a URI string
struct Enumerator
struct HostString
Represents the host portion of a URI can be used to construct URI’s properly formatted and encoded for use in HTTP headers.
struct PathString
Provides correct escaping for Path and PathBase values when needed to reconstruct a request or redirect URI string
struct QueryString
Provides correct handling for QueryString value when needed to reconstruct a request or redirect URI string


delegate RequestDelegate
A function that can process an HTTP request.


class ConnectionInfo
class CookieOptions
Options used to create a new cookie.
class DefaultHttpContext
class FormCollection
Contains the parsed form values.
class HeaderDictionary
Represents a wrapper for RequestHeaders and ResponseHeaders.
class HeaderDictionaryExtensions
class HeaderDictionaryTypeExtensions
class HttpContext
Encapsulates all HTTP-specific information about an individual HTTP request.
class HttpContextAccessor
class HttpContextFactory
class HttpRequest
Represents the incoming side of an individual HTTP request.
class HttpResponse
Represents the outgoing side of an individual HTTP request.
class HttpResponseWritingExtensions
Convenience methods for writing to the response.
class RequestFormReaderExtensions
class ResponseExtensions
class SendFileResponseExtensions
Provides extensions for HttpResponse exposing the SendFile extension.
class SessionExtensions
class StatusCodes
class WebSocketAcceptContext
class WebSocketManager
Manages the establishment of WebSocket connections for a specific HTTP request.


enum CookieSecurePolicy
Determines how cookie security properties are set.