Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor Namespace

namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor


struct SourceLocation
A location in a Razor file.


class CSharpRazorCodeLanguage
Defines the C# Code Language for Razor
class DocumentParseCompleteEventArgs
Arguments for the DocumentParseComplete event in RazorEditorParser
class ErrorSink
Used to manage Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.RazorErrors encountered during the Razor parsing phase.
class ParserResults
Represents the results of parsing a Razor document
class RazorCodeLanguage
Represents a code language in Razor.
class RazorEditorParser
Parser used by editors to avoid reparsing the entire document on each text change.
class RazorEngineHost
Defines the environment in which a Razor template will live
class RazorError
class RazorTemplateEngine
Entry-point to the Razor Template Engine


enum PartialParseResult
The result of attempting an incremental parse