Chapter 2. Concepts

Networking API v2.0 manages the following entities:

These entities have auto-generated unique identifiers and support basic create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) functions with the POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE verbs.


A network is an isolated virtual layer-2 broadcast domain that is typically reserved for the tenant who created it unless the network is configured to be shared. Tenants can create multiple networks until they reach the thresholds specified by per-tenant quotas. See the section called “Quotas”.

In the Networking API v2.0, the network is the main entity. Ports and subnets are always associated with a network.

The following table describes the attributes for network objects.

Table 2.1. Network Attributes
Attribute Type Required CRUD[a] Default Value Validation Constraints Notes
id uuid-str N/A R generated N/A UUID for the network.
name String No CRU None N/A Human-readable name for the network. Might not be unique.
admin_state_up Bool No CRU true {true|false} The administrative state of network. If false (down), the network does not forward packets.
status String N/A R N/A N/A

Indicates whether network is currently operational. Possible values include:


  • DOWN



Plug-ins might define additional values.

subnets list(uuid-str) No R Empty List N/A subnets associated with this network.
shared Bool No CRU False { True | False } Specifies whether the network resource can be accessed by any tenant or not.
tenant_id uuid-str No[b] CR N/A No constraint Owner of network. Only admin users can specify a tenant_id other than its own.


  • C. Use the attribute in create operations.

  • R. This attribute is returned in response to show and list operations.

  • U. You can update the value of this attribute.

  • D. You can delete the value of this attribute.

[b] If OpenStack Networking is not running with the Keystone Identity service, the tenant_id attribute is required.


A subnet represents an IP address block that can be used to assign IP addresses to virtual instances. Each subnet must have a CIDR and must be associated with a network. IPs can be either selected from the whole subnet CIDR or from allocation pools that can be specified by the user.

A subnet can also optionally have a gateway, a list of dns name servers, and host routes. This information is pushed to instances whose interfaces are associated with the subnet.

Table 2.2. Subnet Attributes
Attribute Type Required CRUD[a] Default Value Validation Constraints Notes
id uuid-str N/A R generated N/A UUID representing the subnet
network_id uuid-str Yes CR N/A network this subnet is associated with.
name String No CRU None N/A Human-readable name for the subnet. Might not be unique.
ip_version int Yes CR 4 { 4 | 6 } IP version
cidr string Yes CR N/A valid cidr in the form <network_address>/<prefix> cidr representing IP range for this subnet, based on IP version
gateway_ip string No CRUD first address in cidr Valid IP address or null default gateway used by devices in this subnet
dns_nameservers list(str) No CRU Empty list No constraint DNS name servers used by hosts in this subnet.
allocation_pools list(dict) No CR Every address in cidr, excluding gateway_ip if configured start/end of range must be valid ip Sub-ranges of cidr available for dynamic allocation to ports [ { "start": "", "end": ""} ]
host_routes list(dict) No CRU Empty List [] Routes that should be used by devices with IPs from this subnet (not including local subnet route).
enable_dhcp Bool No CRU True { True | False } Specifies whether DHCP is enabled for this subnet or not.
tenant_id uuid-str No[b] CR N/A No constraint Owner of network. Only admin users can specify a tenant_id other than its own.


  • C. Use the attribute in create operations.

  • R. This attribute is returned in response to show and list operations.

  • U. You can update the value of this attribute.

  • D. You can delete the value of this attribute.

[b] If OpenStack Networking is not running with the Keystone Identity service, the tenant_id attribute is required.


A port represents a virtual switch port on a logical network switch. Virtual instances attach their interfaces into ports. The logical port also defines the MAC address and the IP address(es) to be assigned to the interfaces plugged into them. When IP addresses are associated to a port, this also implies the port is associated with a subnet, as the IP address was taken from the allocation pool for a specific subnet.

Table 2.3. Port Attributes
Attribute Type Required CRUD[a] Default Value Validation Constraints Notes
id uuid-str N/A R generated N/A UUID for the port.
network_id uuid-str Yes CR N/A existing network identifier Network that this port is associated with.
name String No CRU None N/A Human-readable name for the port. Might not be unique.
admin_state_up bool No CRU true {true|false} Administrative state of port. If false (down), port does not forward packets.
status string N/A R N/A N/A

Indicates whether network is currently operational. Possible values include:


  • DOWN



Plug-ins might define additional values.

mac_address string No CR generated valid MAC in 6-octet form separated by colons Mac address to use on this port.
fixed_ips list(dict) No CRU automatically allocated from pool Valid IP address and existing subnet identifier Specifies IP addresses for the port thus associating the port itself with the subnets where the IP addresses are picked from
device_id str No CRUD None No constraint identifies the device (e.g., virtual server) using this port.
device_owner str No CRUD None No constraint Identifies the entity (e.g.: dhcp agent) using this port.
tenant_id uuid-str No[b] CR N/A No constraint Owner of port. Only admin users can specify a tenant_id other than its own.
security_groups list(dict) No CRUD None Existing security group IDs Specifies the IDs of any security groups associated with a port.


  • C. Use the attribute in create operations.

  • R. This attribute is returned in response to show and list operations.

  • U. You can update the value of this attribute.

  • D. You can delete the value of this attribute.

[b] If OpenStack Networking is not running with the Keystone Identity service, the tenant_id attribute is required.

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