Create Security Group


This operation requires a request body. The request body must include one or both of the following attributes:

  • name. String. Specifies a symbolic name for the security group. Not required to be unique.

  • description. String. Describes the security group.

This operation creates a security group with default security group rules for the IPv4 and IPv6 ethertypes. The following attributes of a security group rule have a value of null:

  • port_range_max

  • port_range_min

  • protocol

  • remote_group_id

  • remote_ip_prefix

This operation returns a response body.


Creates an OpenStack Networking security group.

Normal Response Code(s): 201

Error Response Code(s): badRequest (400), unauthorized (401)



Example 5.51. Create Security Group Request: JSON

POST /v2.0/security-groups.json
Accept: application/json
      "description":"security group for webservers"



Example 5.52. Create Security Group Response: JSON

      "description":"security group for webservers",

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