High-Level Task Flow

The high-level task flow for OpenStack Networking involves creating a network, associating a subnet with that network, and booting a VM that is attached to the network. Clean-up includes deleting the VM, deleting any ports associated with the network, and deleting the networks. OpenStack Networking deletes any subnets associated with the deleted network.


To use OpenStack Networking - high-level task flow

  1. Create a network

    The tenant creates a network.

    For example, the tenant creates the net1 network. Its ID is net1_id.

    See the section called “Create Network”.

  2. Associate a subnet with the network

    The tenant associates a subnet with that network.

    For example, the tenant associates the subnet with the net1 network.

    See the section called “Create Subnet”.

  3. Boot a VM and attach it to the network

    The tenant boots a virtual machine (VM) and specifies a single NIC that connects to the network.

    The following examples use the nova client to boot a VM.

    In the first example, Nova contacts OpenStack Networking to create the NIC and attach it to the net1 network, with the ID net1_id:

    $ nova boot <server_name> --image <image> --flavor <flavor> --nic net-id=<net1_id>

    In a second example, you first create the port1, port and then you boot the VM with a specified port. OpenStack Networking creates a NIC and attaches it to the port1 port, with the ID port1_id:

    $ nova boot <server_name> --image <image> --flavor <flavor> --nic port-id=<port1_id>

    OpenStack Networking chooses and assigns an IP address to the port1 port.

    For information about how to create ports, see the section called “Create Port”.

    For more information about the nova boot command, enter:

    $ nova help boot
  4. Delete the VM

    The tenant deletes the VM.

    Nova contacts OpenStack Networking and deletes the port1 port.

    The allocated IP address is returned to the pool of available IP addresses.

  5. Delete any ports

    If the tenant created any ports and associated them with the network, the tenant deletes the ports.

    See the section called “Delete Port”.

  6. Delete the network

    The tenant deletes the network. This operation deletes an OpenStack Networking network and its associated subnets provided that no port is currently configured on the network.

    See the section called “Delete Network”.

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