
The Networking API v2.0 is extensible.

The purpose of Networking API v2.0 extensions is to:

  • Introduce new features in the API without requiring a version change.

  • Introduce vendor-specific niche functionality.

  • Act as a proving ground for experimental functionalities that might be included in a future version of the API.

To programmatically determine which extensions are available, issue a GET request on the v2.0/extensions URI.

To query extensions individually by unique alias, issue a GET request on the /v2.0/extensions/alias_name URI. Use this method to easily determine if an extension is available. If the extension is not available, a 404 Not Found response is returned.

You can extend existing core API resources with new actions or extra attributes. Also, you can add new resources as extensions. Extensions usually have tags that prevent conflicts with other extensions that define attributes or resources with the same names, and with core resources and attributes. Because an extension might not be supported by all plug-ins, the availability of an extension varies with deployments and the specific plug-in in use.

For more information regarding specific extensions, see Chapter 5, API Extensions

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