Delete Network

Verb URI Description
DELETE /networks/network-id Deletes a specified network and its associated resources.

Normal Response Code: 204

Error Response Codes: Unauthorized (401), Not Found (404), Network In Use (409)

This operation deletes an OpenStack Networking network and its associated subnets provided that no port is currently configured on the network.

If ports are still configured on the network that you want to delete, a 409 Network In Use error is returned.

This operation does not require a request body.

This operation does not return a response body.


Example 4.13. Delete Network: JSON Request

DELETE /v2.0/networks/fc68ea2c-b60b-4b4f-bd82-94ec81110766

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json


Example 4.14. Delete Network: JSON Response

status: 204

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