Update Network

Verb URI Description
PUT /networks/network-id Updates a specified network.

Normal Response Code: 200

Error Response Codes: Bad Request (400) Unauthorized (401), Forbidden (403) Not Found (404)

This operation requires a request body. You can set the following attributes in the request body:

Table 4.1. Update Network Request Body Attributes
Attribute Description
name The name for the network.
admin_state_up Specifies whether the admin state is up or down. Set to true for up and false for down. If down, the network does not forward packets.

You cannot update the status, tenant_id, or id attributes. If you try to update these attributes, a 400 Bad Request error is returned.

This operation returns a response body.


Update operations in OpenStack Networking adopt patch semantics. This implies that the Networking API v2.0 does not require the user to send the whole resource to be updated, but just the attributes that the user wishes to update, as shown in the following example.


Example 4.11. Update Network: JSON Request

PUT /v2.0/networks/fc68ea2c-b60b-4b4f-bd82-94ec81110766.json

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
      "name": "updated_name"


Example 4.12. Update Network: JSON Response

status: 200
content-length: 192
content-type: application/json

     "status": "ACTIVE",
     "subnets": [],
     "name": "updated_name",
     "admin_state_up": false,
     "shared": false,
     "tenant_id": "c1210485b2424d48804aad5d39c61b8f",
     "id": "fc68ea2c-b60b-4b4f-bd82-94ec81110766"

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