Network API Operations

Use the Networking API v2.0 with the provider extended attributes to get information about, create, and update networks.

The provider-prefixed extended attributes for networks are:

Table 5.1. provider Extended Attributes for Networks
Attribute Description


The type of physical network that maps to this networks resource. Examples are flat, vlan, vxlan, local, and gre.


The physical network on which this network object is implemented. The Networking API v2.0 does not provide a way to list available physical networks. For example, the Open vSwitch plug-in configuration file defines a symbolic name that maps to specific bridges on each Compute host.


An isolated segment on the physical network. The network_type attribute defines the segmentation model. For example, if network_type is vlan, this ID is a vlan identifier. If network_type is gre, this ID is a gre key.

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