Bulk Create Operations

The Networking API v2.0 enables you to create several objects of the same type in the same API request. Bulk create operations use exactly the same API syntax as single create operations except that you specify a list of objects rather than a single object in the request body.

Bulk operations are always performed atomically, meaning that either all or none of the objects in the request body are created. If a particular plug-in does not support atomic operations, the Networking API v2.0 emulates the atomic behavior so that users can expect the same behavior regardless of the particular plug-in running in the background.

OpenStack Networking might be deployed without support for bulk operations and when the client attempts a bulk create operation, a 400 Bad Request error is returned.

For information about how to submit bulk requests to the Networking API v2.0 see the section called “Bulk Create Networks”, the section called “Bulk Create Subnets”, and the section called “Bulk Create Port”.

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