IHttpRequestFeature Interface

Contains the details of a given request. These properties should all be mutable. None of these properties should ever be set to null.

  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features


public interface IHttpRequestFeature
interface Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IHttpRequestFeature



A System.IO.Stream representing the request body, if any. Stream.Null may be used to represent an empty request body.

Return type:System.IO.Stream
Stream Body { get; set; }

Headers included in the request, aggregated by header name. The values are not split or merged across header lines. E.g. The following headers: HeaderA: value1, value2 HeaderA: value3 Result in Headers[“HeaderA”] = { “value1, value2”, “value3” }

Return type:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IHeaderDictionary
IHeaderDictionary Headers { get; set; }

The request method as defined in RFC 7230. E.g. “GET”, “HEAD”, “POST”, etc..

Return type:System.String
string Method { get; set; }

The portion of the request path that identifies the requested resource. The value is un-escaped. The value may be string.Empty if Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IHttpRequestFeature.PathBase contains the full path.

Return type:System.String
string Path { get; set; }

The first portion of the request path associated with application root. The value is un-escaped. The value may be string.Empty.

Return type:System.String
string PathBase { get; set; }

The HTTP-version as defined in RFC 7230. E.g. “HTTP/1.1”

Return type:System.String
string Protocol { get; set; }

The query portion of the request-target as defined in RFC 7230. The value may be string.Empty. If not empty then the leading ‘?’ will be included. The value is in its original form, without un-escaping.

Return type:System.String
string QueryString { get; set; }

The request target as it was sent in the HTTP request. This property contains the raw path and full query, as well as other request targets such as * for OPTIONS requests (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-5.3).

Return type:System.String
string RawTarget { get; set; }

The request uri scheme. E.g. “http” or “https”. Note this value is not included in the original request, it is inferred by checking if the transport used a TLS connection or not.

Return type:System.String
string Scheme { get; set; }