IModelBindingMessageProvider Interface

Provider for error messages the model binding system detects.

  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions


public interface IModelBindingMessageProvider
interface Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.Metadata.IModelBindingMessageProvider



Error message the model binding system adds when Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.ModelError.Exception is of type System.FormatException or System.OverflowException and value is known.

Return type:System.Func<System.String>
Returns:Default System.String is “The value ‘{0}’ is not valid for {1}.”.
Func<string, string, string> AttemptedValueIsInvalidAccessor { get; }

Error message the model binding system adds when a property with an associated <code>BindRequiredAttribute</code> is not bound.

Return type:System.Func<System.String>
Returns:Default System.String is “A value for the ‘{0}’ property was not provided.”.
Func<string, string> MissingBindRequiredValueAccessor { get; }

Error message the model binding system adds when either the key or the value of a System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2 is bound but not both.

Return type:System.Func<System.String>
Returns:Default System.String is “A value is required.”.
Func<string> MissingKeyOrValueAccessor { get; }

Error message the model binding system adds when Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.ModelError.Exception is of type System.FormatException or System.OverflowException and value is unknown.

Return type:System.Func<System.String>
Returns:Default System.String is “The supplied value is invalid for {0}.”.
Func<string, string> UnknownValueIsInvalidAccessor { get; }

Fallback error message HTML and tag helpers display when a property is invalid but the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.ModelErrors have <code>null</code> Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.ModelError.ErrorMessages.

Return type:System.Func<System.String>
Returns:Default System.String is “The value ‘{0}’ is invalid.”.
Func<string, string> ValueIsInvalidAccessor { get; }

Error message HTML and tag helpers add for client-side validation of numeric formats. Visible in the browser if the field for a <code>float</code> property (for example) does not have a correctly-formatted value.

Return type:System.Func<System.String>
Returns:Default System.String is “The field {0} must be a number.”.
Func<string, string> ValueMustBeANumberAccessor { get; }

Error message the model binding system adds when a <code>null</code> value is bound to a non- System.Nullable property.

Return type:System.Func<System.String>
Returns:Default System.String is “The value ‘{0}’ is invalid.”.
Func<string, string> ValueMustNotBeNullAccessor { get; }