Table of Contents
Jenkins Enterprise by CloudBees (referred to as Jenkins Enterprise in this guide) is CloudBees’ professional version of Jenkins. Jenkins Enterprise provides a number of plugins that help organizations address three main problem areas, described below. Additionally, with Jenkins Enterprise, Jenkins users are provided with a stable release and frequent patches.
See for the change log.
The three main areas that Jenkins Enterprise helps Jenkins users in are:
Jenkins Enterprise helps administrators manage large numbers of jobs, projects and teams. The plugins that help with large installation problems are:
Folders Plugin
Folders help to create hierarchies or custom taxonomies to better manage large numbers of jobs
Templates Plugin
Capture “sameness” of configuration information in one place that is propogated
Backup Scheduling Plugin
Use Jenkins to backup Jenkins. No more cron jobs or error-prone custom scripts.
Plugin Usage Plugin
Helps determine which plugins are in use by which jobs.
Jenkins Enterprise helps administrators make better use of existing resources with the following plugins:
VMware ESXi/vSphere Auto-Scaling Plugin
Make better use of existing VMWare resources by using machines in VMWare pools as slaves.
Label Throttle Build Execution Plugin
Define the bare-metal limits for VMs being used as slaves. This helps in faster runs when multiple builds are running multiple VMs on a single bare-metal machine.
Even Load Strategy Plugin
Change the default slave allocation algorithm of Jenkins to go to allocate jobs to free machines.
Skip Next Build Plugin
Stop running builds if there are known errors that are being fixed.
Jenkins Enterprise helps administrators secure their projects and their installations with the following plugins:
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Plugin
Setup sophisticated authorization policies to manage Jenkins
WikiText Descriptions Plugin
Prevent potential XSS attacks due to HTML descriptions in Jenkins
Secure Copy Plugin
Allow controlled and targetted sharing of artifacts between Jenkins jobs either on different Jenkins instances or within the same Jenkins instance.
Folders Plus Plugin
Permits slave permissions to be associated with folders.