Chapter 8. Role Based Access Control Plugin


The Role Based Access Control plugin gives a Jenkins administrator the ability to define various security roles that will apply to the system they administer. Once roles have been defined the Jenkins administrator can assign those roles to groups of users. The assignment of roles can take place either at the global level, or limited to specific objects within the system. And, additionally, the Jenkins administrator can even delegate the management of groups for specific objects to specific users.

The Role Based Access Control plugin combines with the Folders plugin to give a powerful solution for managing a Jenkins which is shared by multiple teams of users. The Jenkins administrator can create folders for each of the teams and then create groups in those folders for each of the roles that team members can have. By delegating the management of the group membership (but not the management of the roles assigned to groups) to the team leaders, the Jenkins administrator can empower the team leads to manage the permissions of their team while reducing their own administrative overhead.

The RBAC plugin was introduced in Nectar 11.04.