
Jenkins is limited in its capabilities to organize large number of jobs or organize jobs around taxonomies such as projects or departments. Today, most teams break up jobs around views on the dashboard. Views are not optimal to capture custom taxonomies. The Folders plugin addresses this limitation and helps capture taxonomies in a user environment and helps organize jobs around these taxonomies.

The Folders plugin allows you to create a folder and group related jobs together. These jobs can be organized around a project, department, sub-department, release or any taxonomy that you choose to define. You can create an arbitrary level of nested folders. Folders are namespace aware, so Job A in Folder A is logically different than Job A in Folder B

The Folders plugin allows you to clone a folder with its children intact. This is useful to seed new projects/jobs with information from a particular project type. Folders can also define properties that are visible to jobs inside, enabling you to simplify branch and/or workflow management.

The Folders plugin was introduced in Nectar 11.04.