Taking Backup

This plugin lets you create backup jobs as jobs on Jenkins Enterprise. In this way, you can use the familiar interface for scheduling execution of backup, and monitor any failure in backup activities.

To create a backup, click "New Job" from the left and select "Backup Jenkins". This takes you to the page where you configure the backup project. Configuration of a backup job is very similar to that of a freestyle project. In particular, you can use arbitrary build triggers to schedule backup. Once the trigger is configured, click "Add build step" and add "Take backup" builder.

You can add multiple backup build steps to take different subsets of backups at the same time, or you can create multiple backup jobs to schedule different kind of backup execution at different interval. For example, you might have a daily job that only backs up the system configuration and job configuration, as they are small but more important, then use another job to take the full backup of the system once a week.