Version: 5.5 (switch to 5.6b)
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The various test results the connection tester may return with.


ErrorSome unknown error occurred.
UndeterminedTest result undetermined, still in progress.
PublicIPIsConnectablePublic IP address detected and game listen port is accessible to the internet.
PublicIPPortBlockedPublic IP address detected but the port is not connectable from the internet.
PublicIPNoServerStartedPublic IP address detected but server is not initialized and no port is listening.
LimitedNATPunchthroughPortRestrictedPort-restricted NAT type, can do NAT punchthrough to everyone except symmetric.
LimitedNATPunchthroughSymmetricSymmetric NAT type, cannot do NAT punchthrough to other symmetric types nor port restricted type.
NATpunchthroughFullConeFull cone type, NAT punchthrough fully supported.
NATpunchthroughAddressRestrictedConeAddress-restricted cone type, NAT punchthrough fully supported.