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class in UnityEngine.iOS

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ADInterstitialAd is a wrapper around the ADInterstitialAd class found in the Apple iAd framework and is only available on iPad.

It provides full-screen advertisements that your iPad application can display to the user.

#pragma strict
ADInterstitialAdUnityEngine.iOS.ADInterstitialAdpublic class NewBehaviourScript extends MonoBehaviour {
	private var fullscreenAd: ADInterstitialAd = null;
	function Start() {
		fullscreenAd = new ADInterstitialAd();
		ADInterstitialAd.onInterstitialWasLoaded += OnFullscreenLoaded;
		ADInterstitialAd.onInterstitialWasViewed += OnFullscreenViewed;
	function WantToShowAD() {
		if (fullscreenAd.loaded)
	function OnFullscreenLoaded() {
		// you can show ad right here, or, for example, you can start preparing your UI
		Debug.Log("AD Loaded\n");
	function OnFullscreenViewed() {
		// You can also start reloading the Ad here if you are not using built-in auto reloading.
		Debug.Log("AD Viewed\n");
	function OnGUI() {
		if (GUI.Button(new Rect(20, 20, 200, 200), "AD"))
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

using ADInterstitialAd = UnityEngine.iOS.ADInterstitialAd;

public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour {

private ADInterstitialAd fullscreenAd = null;

void Start() { fullscreenAd = new ADInterstitialAd(); ADInterstitialAd.onInterstitialWasLoaded += OnFullscreenLoaded; ADInterstitialAd.onInterstitialWasViewed += OnFullscreenViewed; }

void WantToShowAD() { if(fullscreenAd.loaded) fullscreenAd.Show(); else fullscreenAd.ReloadAd(); }

void OnFullscreenLoaded() { // you can show ad right here, or, for example, you can start preparing your UI Debug.Log("AD Loaded\n"); } void OnFullscreenViewed() { // If we reach this stage, it means the user viewed the Ad past the initial screen. // This could be a good point to reward the user (eg. give an in-game bonus item). // You can also start reloading the Ad here if you are not using built-in auto reloading. Debug.Log("AD Viewed\n"); fullscreenAd.ReloadAd(); }

void OnGUI() { if(GUI.Button(new Rect(20,20,200,200), "AD")) WantToShowAD(); }


Please note that this class is a thin wrapper around the iOS native iAD class, so care should be taken when creating/destroying instances of it frequently. If you need to show ads frequently, instead of constantly destroying and recreating the object you should manually call ReloadAd, or create an auto-reloading ADInterstitialAd.