Version: 5.5 (switch to 5.6b)
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public static function IsPropertyAnimated(target: Object, propertyPath: string): bool;
public static bool IsPropertyAnimated(Object target, string propertyPath);


target The object to determine if it contained the animation.
propertyPath The name of the animation to search for.


bool Whether the property search is found or not.


Is the specified property currently in animation mode and being animated?

IsPropertyAnimated checks whether a property is being animated. This check requires also the object where the property can be found.

color is searched for in the following script example . It is part of the Renderer object. Note that the example uses a sphere GameObject and an animation file, color.anim. The color animation in color.anim has the color varying from yellow to blue.

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// Demo showing how IsPropertyAnimated() can be used to determine if a property
// on an object is being animated. In this example the color in a Renderer is
// animated.

using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor;

public class ExampleClass: EditorWindow {

protected GameObject go; protected AnimationClip animationClip; protected float time = 0.0f; protected bool showColor = false;

[MenuItem("Examples/AnimationMode demo")] public static void DoWindow() { var window = GetWindow<ExampleClass>(); window.Show(); }

void OnGUI() { if (go == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Select a GO", MessageType.Info); return; }

EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Color slider");

if (animationClip == null) { AnimationMode.StartAnimationMode(); animationClip = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<AnimationClip>("Assets/color.anim"); } if (animationClip != null) { float startTime = 0.0f; float stopTime = animationClip.length; time = EditorGUILayout.Slider(time, startTime, stopTime); }

if (showColor) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Red color being animated"); } }

void Update() { if (go == null) return;

if (animationClip == null) return;

if (AnimationMode.InAnimationMode()) { Renderer rend = go.GetComponent<Renderer>();

if (AnimationMode.IsPropertyAnimated(rend, "material._Color.r")) { showColor = true; } else { showColor = false; }

AnimationMode.BeginSampling(); AnimationMode.SampleAnimationClip(go, animationClip, time); AnimationMode.EndSampling();

SceneView.RepaintAll(); } }

// Has a GameObject been selection? public void OnSelectionChange() { go = Selection.activeGameObject; Repaint(); }

public void OnDestroy() { Debug.Log("Shutting down"); AnimationMode.StopAnimationMode(); } }