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class in UnityEngine

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AndroidJavaObject is the Unity representation of a generic instance of java.lang.Object.

It can be used as type-less interface to an instance of any Java class.


AndroidJavaObjectConstruct an AndroidJavaObject based on the name of the class.

Public Functions

CallCalls a Java method on an object (non-static).
CallStaticCall a static Java method on a class.
DisposeIDisposable callback.
GetGet the value of a field in an object (non-static).
GetRawClassRetrieve the raw jclass pointer to the Java class.
GetRawObjectRetrieve the raw jobject pointer to the Java object.
GetStaticGet the value of a static field in an object type.
SetSet the value of a field in an object (non-static).
SetStaticSet the value of a static field in an object type.