cocos2d-x  3.3
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cocos2d Namespace Reference

Add deprecated global functions and variables here. More...




class  __Array
class  __Bool
class  __CCCallFuncND
 Calls a 'callback' with the node as the first argument and the 2nd argument is data ND means: Node and Data. Data is void *, so it could be anything. More...
class  __CCCallFuncO
 Calls a 'callback' with an object as the first argument. O means Object. More...
class  __Dictionary
 Dictionary is a class like NSDictionary in Obj-C . More...
class  __Double
class  __Float
class  __Integer
class  __LayerRGBA
 LayerRGBA is a subclass of Layer that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol using a solid color as the background. More...
class  __NodeRGBA
 NodeRGBA is a subclass of Node that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. More...
class  __NotificationCenter
class  __RGBAProtocol
 RGBA protocol that affects Node's color and opacity. More...
class  __Set
class  __String
class  AABB
class  AccelAmplitude
 AccelAmplitude action. More...
class  AccelDeccelAmplitude
 AccelDeccelAmplitude action. More...
class  Acceleration
 The device accelerometer reports values for each axis in units of g-force. More...
class  AccelerometerEvent
class  Action
 Base class for Action objects. More...
class  ActionCamera
 Base class for Camera actions. More...
class  ActionEase
 Base class for Easing actions. More...
class  ActionInstant
 Instant actions are immediate actions. More...
class  ActionInterval
 An interval action is an action that takes place within a certain period of time. More...
class  ActionManager
 ActionManager is a singleton that manages all the actions. More...
class  ActionTween
 ActionTween. More...
class  ActionTweenDelegate
struct  AffineTransform
class  AmbientLight
class  Animate
 Animates a sprite given the name of an Animation. More...
class  Animate3D
 Animate3D, Animates a Sprite3D given with an Animation3D. More...
class  Animation
 A Animation object is used to perform animations on the Sprite objects. More...
class  Animation3D
 static animation data, shared More...
class  Animation3DCache
 Animation3D Cache. More...
struct  Animation3DData
 animation data More...
class  AnimationCache
 Singleton that manages the Animations. More...
class  AnimationCurve
 curve of bone's position, rotation or scale More...
class  AnimationFrame
 AnimationFrame A frame of the animation. More...
struct  AnimationFrameData
class  Application
class  ApplicationProtocol
class  AtlasNode
 AtlasNode is a subclass of Node that implements the RGBAProtocol and TextureProtocol protocol. More...
class  AttachNode
 attach a node to a bone usage: auto sprite = Sprite3D::create("girl.c3b"); auto weapon = Sprite3D::create("weapon.c3b"); auto attachNode = sprite->getAttachNode("left hand"); attachNode->addChild(weapon); More...
class  AutoreleasePool
class  BackButtonEvent
class  BaseLight
class  BatchCommand
class  BezierBy
 An action that moves the target with a cubic Bezier curve by a certain distance. More...
class  BezierTo
 An action that moves the target with a cubic Bezier curve to a destination point. More...
class  BillBoard
 Inherit from Sprite, achieve BillBoard. More...
struct  BlendFunc
 Blend Function used for textures. More...
class  BlendProtocol
 Specify the blending function according glBlendFunc Please refer to glBlendFunc in OpenGL ES Manual for more details. More...
class  Blink
 Blinks a Node object by modifying it's visible attribute. More...
class  Bone3D
 Defines a basic hierachial structure of transformation spaces. More...
class  Bundle3D
 Defines a bundle file that contains a collection of assets. More...
class  BundleReader
 BundleReader is an interface for reading sequence of bytes. More...
class  CallFunc
 Calls a 'callback'. More...
class  CallFuncN
 Calls a 'callback' with the node as the first argument N means Node. More...
class  Camera
 Defines a camera . More...
class  CardinalSplineBy
 Cardinal Spline path. More...
class  CardinalSplineTo
 Cardinal Spline path. More...
class  CatmullRomBy
 An action that moves the target with a CatmullRom curve by a certain distance. More...
class  CatmullRomTo
 An action that moves the target with a CatmullRom curve to a destination point. More...
class  CCFileUtilsWinRT
 Helper class to handle file operations. More...
class  CCFreeTypeFont
class  CCPrecompiledShaders
struct  CCZHeader
class  ClippingNode
 ClippingNode is a subclass of Node. More...
class  ClippingRectangleNode
class  Clonable
 Interface that defines how to clone an Ref. More...
class  Cocos2dRenderer
struct  Color3B
 RGB color composed of bytes 3 bytes. More...
struct  Color4B
 RGBA color composed of 4 bytes. More...
struct  Color4F
 RGBA color composed of 4 floats. More...
class  Component
class  ComponentContainer
class  Configuration
 Configuration contains some openGL variables. More...
class  Console
 Console is helper class that lets the developer control the game from TCP connection. More...
class  Controller
class  CSLoader
class  CustomCommand
class  CustomInputEvent
class  Data
class  DataVisitor
 Visitor that helps to perform action that depends on polymorphic object type. More...
class  DeccelAmplitude
 DeccelAmplitude action. More...
class  DelayTime
 Delays the action a certain amount of seconds. More...
class  Device
class  DictElement
 DictElement is used for traversing Dictionary. More...
class  DirectionLight
class  Director
class  DirectorDelegate
 OpenGL projection protocol. More...
class  DisplayLinkDirector
 DisplayLinkDirector is a Director that synchronizes timers with the refresh rate of the display. More...
class  DrawNode
class  EaseBackIn
 EaseBackIn action. More...
class  EaseBackInOut
 EaseBackInOut action. More...
class  EaseBackOut
 EaseBackOut action. More...
class  EaseBezierAction
 Ease Bezier. More...
class  EaseBounce
 EaseBounce abstract class. More...
class  EaseBounceIn
 EaseBounceIn action. More...
class  EaseBounceInOut
 EaseBounceInOut action. More...
class  EaseBounceOut
 EaseBounceOut action. More...
class  EaseCircleActionIn
 Ease Circle In. More...
class  EaseCircleActionInOut
 Ease Circle InOut. More...
class  EaseCircleActionOut
 Ease Circle Out. More...
class  EaseCubicActionIn
 Ease Cubic In. More...
class  EaseCubicActionInOut
 Ease Cubic InOut. More...
class  EaseCubicActionOut
 Ease Cubic Out. More...
class  EaseElastic
 Ease Elastic abstract class. More...
class  EaseElasticIn
 Ease Elastic In action. More...
class  EaseElasticInOut
 Ease Elastic InOut action. More...
class  EaseElasticOut
 Ease Elastic Out action. More...
class  EaseExponentialIn
 Ease Exponential In. More...
class  EaseExponentialInOut
 Ease Exponential InOut. More...
class  EaseExponentialOut
 Ease Exponential Out. More...
class  EaseIn
 EaseIn action with a rate. More...
class  EaseInOut
 EaseInOut action with a rate. More...
class  EaseOut
 EaseOut action with a rate. More...
class  EaseQuadraticActionIn
 Ease Quadratic In. More...
class  EaseQuadraticActionInOut
 Ease Quadratic InOut. More...
class  EaseQuadraticActionOut
 Ease Quadratic Out. More...
class  EaseQuarticActionIn
 Ease Quartic In. More...
class  EaseQuarticActionInOut
 Ease Quartic InOut. More...
class  EaseQuarticActionOut
 Ease Quartic Out. More...
class  EaseQuinticActionIn
 Ease Quintic In. More...
class  EaseQuinticActionInOut
 Ease Quintic InOut. More...
class  EaseQuinticActionOut
 Ease Quintic Out. More...
class  EaseRateAction
 Base class for Easing actions with rate parameters. More...
class  EaseSineIn
 Ease Sine In. More...
class  EaseSineInOut
 Ease Sine InOut. More...
class  EaseSineOut
 Ease Sine Out. More...
class  EditBoxEvent
class  Event
 Base class of all kinds of events. More...
class  EventAcceleration
class  EventController
class  EventCustom
class  EventDispatcher
 This class manages event listener subscriptions and event dispatching. More...
class  EventFocus
class  EventKeyboard
class  EventListener
 The base class of event listener. More...
class  EventListenerAcceleration
class  EventListenerController
class  EventListenerCustom
 Usage: auto dispatcher = Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher(); Adds a listener: More...
class  EventListenerFocus
class  EventListenerKeyboard
class  EventListenerMouse
class  EventListenerPhysicsContact
class  EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies
 this event listener only be called when bodyA and bodyB have contacts More...
class  EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup
 this event listener only be called when shapeA or shapeB is in the group your specified More...
class  EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes
 this event listener only be called when shapeA and shapeB have contacts More...
class  EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce
class  EventListenerTouchOneByOne
class  EventMouse
class  EventTouch
class  FadeIn
 Fades In an object that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. More...
class  FadeOut
 Fades Out an object that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. More...
class  FadeOutBLTiles
 FadeOutBLTiles action. More...
class  FadeOutDownTiles
 FadeOutDownTiles action. More...
class  FadeOutTRTiles
 FadeOutTRTiles action Fades out the tiles in a Top-Right direction. More...
class  FadeOutUpTiles
 FadeOutUpTiles action. More...
class  FadeTo
 Fades an object that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. More...
class  FileUtils
 Helper class to handle file operations. More...
class  FileUtilsAndroid
 Helper class to handle file operations. More...
class  FileUtilsApple
 Helper class to handle file operations. More...
class  FileUtilsLinux
 Helper class to handle file operations. More...
class  FileUtilsWin32
 Helper class to handle file operations. More...
class  FiniteTimeAction
 Base class actions that do have a finite time duration. More...
class  FlipX
 Flips the sprite horizontally. More...
class  FlipX3D
 FlipX3D action. More...
class  FlipY
 Flips the sprite vertically. More...
class  FlipY3D
 FlipY3D action. More...
class  Follow
 Follow is an action that "follows" a node. More...
class  Font
class  FontAtlas
class  FontAtlasCache
class  FontCharMap
struct  FontDefinition
class  FontFNT
class  FontFreeType
struct  FontLetterDefinition
struct  FontShadow
 types used for defining fonts properties (i.e. More...
struct  FontStroke
class  GLProgram
 GLProgram Class that implements a glProgram. More...
class  GLProgramCache
 GLProgramCache Singleton that stores manages GLProgram objects (shaders) More...
class  GLProgramState
 GLProgramState holds the 'state' (uniforms and attributes) of the GLProgram. More...
class  GLProgramStateCache
class  GLView
class  GLViewImpl
 Class that represent the OpenGL View. More...
class  Grabber
 FBO class that grabs the the contents of the screen. More...
class  Grid3D
 Grid3D is a 3D grid implementation. More...
class  Grid3DAction
 Base class for Grid3D actions. More...
class  GridAction
 Base class for Grid actions. More...
class  GridBase
 Base class for other. More...
class  GroupCommand
class  GroupCommandManager
class  Hide
 Hide the node. More...
class  Image
class  IMEDelegate
 Input method editor delegate. More...
class  IMEDispatcher
 Input Method Edit Message Dispatcher. More...
struct  IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo
class  IndexBuffer
class  InputEvent
class  JniHelper
class  JumpBy
 Moves a Node object simulating a parabolic jump movement by modifying it's position attribute. More...
class  JumpTiles3D
 JumpTiles3D action. More...
class  JumpTo
 Moves a Node object to a parabolic position simulating a jump movement by modifying it's position attribute. More...
class  KeyboardEvent
class  Label
class  LabelAtlas
 LabelAtlas is a subclass of AtlasNode. More...
class  LabelBMFont
 LabelBMFont is a subclass of SpriteBatchNode. More...
class  LabelProtocol
 Common interface for Labels. More...
class  LabelTextFormatter
class  LabelTTF
 LabelTTF is a subclass of TextureNode that knows how to render text labels. More...
class  Layer
 Layer is a subclass of Node that implements the TouchEventsDelegate protocol. More...
class  LayerColor
 LayerColor is a subclass of Layer that implements the RGBAProtocol protocol. More...
class  LayerGradient
 LayerGradient is a subclass of LayerColor that draws gradients across the background. More...
class  LayerMultiplex
 MultipleLayer is a Layer with the ability to multiplex it's children. More...
class  Lens3D
 Lens3D action. More...
class  Liquid
 Liquid action. More...
class  Lock
class  LuaBridge
class  LuaCallFunc
class  LuaEngine
class  LuaObjcBridge
class  LuaStack
class  LuaValue
union  LuaValueField
class  Map
struct  MaterialData
 material data, More...
struct  MaterialDatas
 material datas, since 3.3 More...
class  Menu
 A Menu. More...
class  MenuItem
 MenuItem base class. More...
class  MenuItemAtlasFont
 A MenuItemAtlasFont Helper class that creates a MenuItemLabel class with a LabelAtlas. More...
class  MenuItemFont
 A MenuItemFont Helper class that creates a MenuItemLabel class with a Label. More...
class  MenuItemImage
 MenuItemImage accepts images as items. More...
class  MenuItemLabel
 An abstract class for "label" MenuItemLabel items Any Node that supports the LabelProtocol protocol can be added. More...
class  MenuItemSprite
 MenuItemSprite accepts Node<RGBAProtocol> objects as items. More...
class  MenuItemToggle
 A MenuItemToggle A simple container class that "toggles" it's inner items The inner items can be any MenuItem. More...
class  Mesh
 Mesh: contains ref to index buffer, GLProgramState, texture, skin, blend function, aabb and so on. More...
class  MeshCommand
struct  MeshData
 mesh data More...
struct  MeshDatas
 mesh datas More...
class  MeshIndexData
class  MeshSkin
 MeshSkin, A class maintain a collection of bones that affect Mesh vertex. More...
struct  MeshVertexAttrib
 mesh vertex attribute More...
class  MeshVertexData
struct  ModelData
 model node data, since 3.3 More...
class  MotionStreak
 MotionStreak. More...
class  MoveBy
 Moves a Node object x,y pixels by modifying it's position attribute. More...
class  MoveTo
 Moves a Node object to the position x,y. More...
struct  NMaterialData
class  Node
 Node is the base element of the Scene Graph. More...
struct  NodeData
 Node data, since 3.3. More...
struct  NodeDatas
 node datas, since 3.3 More...
class  NodeGrid
class  NotificationObserver
struct  NTextureData
 new material, since 3.3 More...
class  OBB
class  ObjectFactory
class  ObjLoader
class  OrbitCamera
 OrbitCamera action Orbits the camera around the center of the screen using spherical coordinates. More...
class  PageTurn3D
 This action simulates a page turn from the bottom right hand corner of the screen. More...
class  ParallaxNode
 ParallaxNode: A node that simulates a parallax scroller. More...
class  ParticleBatchNode
 ParticleBatchNode is like a batch node: if it contains children, it will draw them in 1 single OpenGL call (often known as "batch draw"). More...
class  ParticleExplosion
 An explosion particle system. More...
class  ParticleFire
 A fire particle system. More...
class  ParticleFireworks
 A fireworks particle system. More...
class  ParticleFlower
 A flower particle system. More...
class  ParticleGalaxy
 A galaxy particle system. More...
class  ParticleMeteor
 A meteor particle system. More...
class  ParticleRain
 A rain particle system. More...
class  ParticleSmoke
 An smoke particle system. More...
class  ParticleSnow
 An snow particle system. More...
class  ParticleSpiral
 An spiral particle system. More...
class  ParticleSun
 A sun particle system. More...
class  ParticleSystem
 Particle System base class. More...
class  ParticleSystemQuad
 ParticleSystemQuad is a subclass of ParticleSystem. More...
class  PhysicsBody
 A body affect by physics. More...
class  PhysicsBodyInfo
class  PhysicsContact
 Contact infomation. More...
class  PhysicsContactInfo
class  PhysicsContactPostSolve
class  PhysicsContactPreSolve
class  PhysicsDebugDraw
class  PhysicsHelper
class  PhysicsJoint
class  PhysicsJointDistance
 Set the fixed distance with two bodies. More...
class  PhysicsJointFixed
class  PhysicsJointGear
 Keeps the angular velocity ratio of a pair of bodies constant. More...
class  PhysicsJointGroove
 Attach body a to a line, and attach body b to a dot. More...
class  PhysicsJointInfo
class  PhysicsJointLimit
class  PhysicsJointMotor
 Keeps the relative angular velocity of a pair of bodies constant. More...
class  PhysicsJointPin
class  PhysicsJointRatchet
 Works like a socket wrench. More...
class  PhysicsJointRotaryLimit
 Likes a limit joint, but works with rotary. More...
class  PhysicsJointRotarySpring
 Likes a spring joint, but works with rotary. More...
class  PhysicsJointSpring
 Connecting two physics bodies together with a spring. More...
class  PhysicsShape
 A shape for body. More...
class  PhysicsShapeBox
 A box shape. More...
class  PhysicsShapeCircle
 A circle shape. More...
class  PhysicsShapeEdgeBox
 An edge box shape. More...
class  PhysicsShapeEdgeChain
 a chain shape More...
class  PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon
 An edge polygon shape. More...
class  PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment
 A segment shape. More...
class  PhysicsShapeInfo
class  PhysicsShapePolygon
 A polygon shape. More...
class  PhysicsWorld
 An PhysicsWorld object simulates collisions and other physical properties. More...
class  PhysicsWorldInfo
class  Place
 Places the node in a certain position. More...
class  PointArray
 An Array that contain control points. More...
class  PointerEvent
class  PointLight
struct  PointSprite
 Vec2 Sprite component. More...
class  PoolManager
class  PrettyPrinter
class  Primitive
class  PrimitiveCommand
class  Profiler
 Profiler cocos2d builtin profiler. More...
class  ProfilingTimer
class  ProgressFromTo
 Progress from a percentage to another percentage. More...
class  ProgressTimer
 ProgressTimer is a subclass of Node. More...
class  ProgressTo
 Progress to percentage. More...
class  ProtectedNode
struct  Quad2
 A 2D Quad. 4 * 2 floats. More...
struct  Quad3
 A 3D Quad. 4 * 3 floats. More...
class  QuadCommand
 Command used to render one or more Quads. More...
class  RandomHelper
class  Ray
class  Rect
class  Ref
struct  Reference
 reference data More...
class  RefPtr
 Wrapper class which maintains a strong reference to a cocos2dx cocos2d::Ref* type object. More...
class  RemoveSelf
 Remove the node. More...
class  RenderCommand
 Base class of the RenderCommand hierarchy. More...
class  RenderCommandPool
class  Renderer
class  RenderQueue
 Class that knows how to sort RenderCommand objects. More...
struct  RenderStackElement
class  RenderTexture
 RenderTexture is a generic rendering target. More...
class  Repeat
 Repeats an action a number of times. More...
class  RepeatForever
 Repeats an action for ever. More...
class  ReuseGrid
 ReuseGrid action. More...
class  ReverseTime
 Executes an action in reverse order, from time=duration to time=0. More...
class  Ripple3D
 Ripple3D action. More...
class  RotateBy
 Rotates a Node object clockwise a number of degrees by modifying it's rotation attribute. More...
class  RotateTo
 Rotates a Node object to a certain angle by modifying it's rotation attribute. More...
class  SAXDelegator
class  SAXParser
class  ScaleBy
 Scales a Node object a zoom factor by modifying it's scale attribute. More...
class  ScaleTo
 Scales a Node object to a zoom factor by modifying it's scale attribute. More...
class  Scene
 Scene is a subclass of Node that is used only as an abstract concept. More...
class  ScheduleHandlerDelegate
class  Scheduler
 Scheduler is responsible for triggering the scheduled callbacks. More...
class  ScriptHandlerMgr
class  sealed
class  Sequence
 Runs actions sequentially, one after another. More...
class  Shaky3D
 Shaky3D action. More...
class  ShakyTiles3D
 ShakyTiles3D action. More...
class  ShatteredTiles3D
 ShatteredTiles3D action. More...
class  Show
 Show the node. More...
class  ShuffleTiles
 ShuffleTiles action Shuffle the tiles in random order. More...
class  Size
class  Skeleton3D
 Skeleton. More...
class  SkewBy
 Skews a Node object by skewX and skewY degrees. More...
class  SkewTo
 Skews a Node object to given angles by modifying it's skewX and skewY attributes. More...
struct  SkinData
 skin data More...
class  Spawn
 Spawn a new action immediately. More...
class  Speed
 Changes the speed of an action, making it take longer (speed>1) or less (speed<1) time. More...
class  SplitCols
 SplitCols action. More...
class  SplitRows
 SplitRows action. More...
class  SpotLight
class  Sprite
 Sprite is a 2d image ( ) More...
class  Sprite3D
 Sprite3D: A sprite can be loaded from 3D model files, .obj, .c3t, .c3b, then can be drawed as sprite. More...
class  Sprite3DCache
class  Sprite3DMaterialCache
 the sprite3D material is only texture for now More...
class  SpriteBatchNode
 SpriteBatchNode is like a batch node: if it contains children, it will draw them in 1 single OpenGL call (often known as "batch draw"). More...
class  SpriteFrame
 A SpriteFrame has: More...
class  SpriteFrameCache
 Singleton that handles the loading of the sprite frames. More...
class  StopGrid
 StopGrid action. More...
struct  StringCompare
struct  T2F_Quad
class  TargetedAction
 Overrides the target of an action so that it always runs on the target specified at action creation rather than the one specified by runAction. More...
struct  Tex2F
 A vertex composed of 2 floats: x, y. More...
class  TextFieldDelegate
class  TextFieldTTF
 A simple text input field with TTF font. More...
class  Texture2D
 Texture2D class. More...
class  TextureAtlas
 A class that implements a Texture Atlas. More...
class  TextureCache
 Singleton that handles the loading of textures Once the texture is loaded, the next time it will return a reference of the previously loaded texture reducing GPU & CPU memory. More...
class  TextureProtocol
 Node objects that uses a Texture2D to render the images. More...
class  ThreadHelper
class  TiledGrid3D
 TiledGrid3D is a 3D grid implementation. More...
class  TiledGrid3DAction
 Base class for TiledGrid3D actions. More...
class  TileMapAtlas
 TileMapAtlas is a subclass of AtlasNode. More...
class  Timer
 Light-weight timer. More...
class  TimerTargetCallback
class  TimerTargetSelector
struct  timezone
class  TintBy
 Tints a Node that implements the NodeRGB protocol from current tint to a custom one. More...
class  TintTo
 Tints a Node that implements the NodeRGB protocol from current tint to a custom one. More...
class  TMXLayer
 TMXLayer represents the TMX layer. More...
class  TMXLayerInfo
 TMXLayerInfo contains the information about the layers like: More...
class  TMXMapInfo
 TMXMapInfo contains the information about the map like: More...
class  TMXObjectGroup
 TMXObjectGroup represents the TMX object group. More...
class  TMXTiledMap
 TMXTiledMap knows how to parse and render a TMX map. More...
class  TMXTilesetInfo
 TMXTilesetInfo contains the information about the tilesets like: More...
class  ToggleVisibility
 Toggles the visibility of a node. More...
class  Touch
class  TransitionCrossFade
 TransitionCrossFade: Cross fades two scenes using the RenderTexture object. More...
class  TransitionEaseScene
 TransitionEaseScene can ease the actions of the scene protocol. More...
class  TransitionFade
 TransitionFade: Fade out the outgoing scene and then fade in the incoming scene. More...
class  TransitionFadeBL
 TransitionFadeBL: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the top-right corner to the bottom-left corner. More...
class  TransitionFadeDown
 TransitionFadeDown: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the top to the bottom. More...
class  TransitionFadeTR
 TransitionFadeTR: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the left-bottom corner the to top-right corner. More...
class  TransitionFadeUp
 TransitionFadeUp: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the bottom to the top. More...
class  TransitionFlipAngular
 TransitionFlipAngular: Flips the screen half horizontally and half vertically. More...
class  TransitionFlipX
 TransitionFlipX: Flips the screen horizontally. More...
class  TransitionFlipY
 TransitionFlipY: Flips the screen vertically. More...
class  TransitionJumpZoom
 TransitionJumpZoom: Zoom out and jump the outgoing scene, and then jump and zoom in the incoming. More...
class  TransitionMoveInB
 TransitionMoveInB: Move in from to the bottom the incoming scene. More...
class  TransitionMoveInL
 TransitionMoveInL: Move in from to the left the incoming scene. More...
class  TransitionMoveInR
 TransitionMoveInR: Move in from to the right the incoming scene. More...
class  TransitionMoveInT
 TransitionMoveInT: Move in from to the top the incoming scene. More...
class  TransitionPageTurn
 A transition which peels back the bottom right hand corner of a scene to transition to the scene beneath it simulating a page turn. More...
class  TransitionProgress
class  TransitionProgressHorizontal
 TransitionProgressHorizontal transition. More...
class  TransitionProgressInOut
class  TransitionProgressOutIn
class  TransitionProgressRadialCCW
 TransitionRadialCCW transition. More...
class  TransitionProgressRadialCW
 TransitionRadialCW transition. More...
class  TransitionProgressVertical
class  TransitionRotoZoom
 TransitionRotoZoom: Rotate and zoom out the outgoing scene, and then rotate and zoom in the incoming. More...
class  TransitionScene
 Base class for Transition scenes. More...
class  TransitionSceneOriented
 A Transition that supports orientation like. More...
class  TransitionShrinkGrow
 Shrink the outgoing scene while grow the incoming scene. More...
class  TransitionSlideInB
 TransitionSlideInB: Slide in the incoming scene from the bottom border. More...
class  TransitionSlideInL
 TransitionSlideInL: Slide in the incoming scene from the left border. More...
class  TransitionSlideInR
 TransitionSlideInR: Slide in the incoming scene from the right border. More...
class  TransitionSlideInT
 TransitionSlideInT: Slide in the incoming scene from the top border. More...
class  TransitionSplitCols
 TransitionSplitCols: The odd columns goes upwards while the even columns goes downwards. More...
class  TransitionSplitRows
 TransitionSplitRows: The odd rows goes to the left while the even rows goes to the right. More...
class  TransitionTurnOffTiles
 TransitionTurnOffTiles: Turn off the tiles of the outgoing scene in random order. More...
class  TransitionZoomFlipAngular
 TransitionZoomFlipAngular: Flips the screen half horizontally and half vertically doing a little zooming out/in. More...
class  TransitionZoomFlipX
 TransitionZoomFlipX: Flips the screen horizontally doing a zoom out/in The front face is the outgoing scene and the back face is the incoming scene. More...
class  TransitionZoomFlipY
 TransitionZoomFlipY: Flips the screen vertically doing a little zooming out/in The front face is the outgoing scene and the back face is the incoming scene. More...
class  TransparentRenderQueue
class  TrianglesCommand
class  TurnOffTiles
 TurnOffTiles action. More...
class  Twirl
 Twirl action. More...
class  UIEditBoxEvent
struct  Uniform
class  UniformValue
class  UserDefault
 UserDefault acts as a tiny database. More...
struct  V2F_C4B_T2F
 a Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4B More...
struct  V2F_C4B_T2F_Quad
 A Quad of V2F_C4B_T2F. More...
struct  V2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle
 A Triangle of V2F_C4B_T2F. More...
struct  V2F_C4F_T2F
 a Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4F More...
struct  V2F_C4F_T2F_Quad
 4 Vertex2FTex2FColor4F Quad More...
struct  V3F_C4B_T2F
 a Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point and a color 4B More...
struct  V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad
 4 Vertex3FTex2FColor4B More...
struct  V3F_T2F
 a Vec2 with a vertex point, a tex coord point More...
struct  V3F_T2F_Quad
class  Value
class  Vector
struct  VertexAttrib
class  VertexAttribValue
class  VertexBuffer
class  VertexData
struct  VertexStreamAttribute
class  Waves
 Waves action. More...
class  Waves3D
 Waves3D action. More...
class  WavesTiles3D
 WavesTiles3D action. More...
class  ZipFile
 Zip file - reader helper class. More...
class  ZipUtils


typedef std::function< void(Ref *)> ccMenuCallback
typedef void(Ref::* SEL_CallFunc )()
typedef void(Ref::* SEL_CallFuncN )(Node *)
typedef void(Ref::* SEL_CallFuncND )(Node *, void *)
typedef void(Ref::* SEL_CallFuncO )(Ref *)
typedef void(Ref::* SEL_MenuHandler )(Ref *)
typedef void(Ref::* SEL_SCHEDULE )(float)
typedef std::function< void(float)> ccSchedulerFunc
typedef std::vector< ValueValueVector
typedef std::unordered_map
< std::string, Value
typedef std::unordered_map
< int, Value
typedef struct unz_file_info_s unz_file_info
typedef Ref CCObject
typedef Ref Object
typedef Event CCEvent
typedef DataVisitor CCDataVisitor
typedef PrettyPrinter CCPrettyPrinter
typedef Acceleration CCAcceleration
typedef TextureAtlas CCTextureAtlas
typedef Configuration CCConfiguration
typedef PointArray CCPointArray
typedef RemoveSelf CCRemoveSelf
typedef IMEDelegate CCIMEDelegate
typedef IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo CCIMEKeyboardNotificationInfo
typedef TextFieldDelegate CCTextFieldDelegate
typedef TextFieldTTF CCTextFieldTTF
typedef __NotificationCenter CCNotificationCenter
typedef __NotificationCenter NotificationCenter
typedef Image CCImage
typedef UserDefault CCUserDefault
typedef Action CCAction
typedef FiniteTimeAction CCFiniteTimeAction
typedef Speed CCSpeed
typedef Follow CCFollow
typedef GLProgram CCGLProgram
typedef Touch CCTouch
typedef Texture2D CCTexture2D
typedef Node CCNode
typedef Node CCNodeRGBA
typedef Node CCRGBAProtocol
typedef SpriteFrame CCSpriteFrame
typedef AnimationFrame CCAnimationFrame
typedef Animation CCAnimation
typedef ActionInterval CCActionInterval
typedef Sequence CCSequence
typedef Repeat CCRepeat
typedef RepeatForever CCRepeatForever
typedef Spawn CCSpawn
typedef RotateTo CCRotateTo
typedef RotateBy CCRotateBy
typedef MoveBy CCMoveBy
typedef MoveTo CCMoveTo
typedef SkewTo CCSkewTo
typedef SkewBy CCSkewBy
typedef JumpBy CCJumpBy
typedef JumpTo CCJumpTo
typedef BezierBy CCBezierBy
typedef BezierTo CCBezierTo
typedef ScaleTo CCScaleTo
typedef ScaleBy CCScaleBy
typedef Blink CCBlink
typedef FadeIn CCFadeIn
typedef FadeOut CCFadeOut
typedef FadeTo CCFadeTo
typedef TintTo CCTintTo
typedef TintBy CCTintBy
typedef DelayTime CCDelayTime
typedef Animate CCAnimate
typedef TargetedAction CCTargetedAction
typedef ActionCamera CCActionCamera
typedef OrbitCamera CCOrbitCamera
typedef ActionManager CCActionManager
typedef ActionEase CCActionEase
typedef EaseRateAction CCEaseRateAction
typedef EaseIn CCEaseIn
typedef EaseOut CCEaseOut
typedef EaseInOut CCEaseInOut
typedef EaseExponentialIn CCEaseExponentialIn
typedef EaseExponentialOut CCEaseExponentialOut
typedef EaseExponentialInOut CCEaseExponentialInOut
typedef EaseSineIn CCEaseSineIn
typedef EaseSineOut CCEaseSineOut
typedef EaseSineInOut CCEaseSineInOut
typedef EaseElastic CCEaseElastic
typedef EaseElasticIn CCEaseElasticIn
typedef EaseElasticOut CCEaseElasticOut
typedef EaseElasticInOut CCEaseElasticInOut
typedef EaseBounce CCEaseBounce
typedef EaseBounceIn CCEaseBounceIn
typedef EaseBounceOut CCEaseBounceOut
typedef EaseBounceInOut CCEaseBounceInOut
typedef EaseBackIn CCEaseBackIn
typedef EaseBackOut CCEaseBackOut
typedef EaseBackInOut CCEaseBackInOut
typedef ActionInstant CCActionInstant
typedef Show CCShow
typedef Hide CCHide
typedef ToggleVisibility CCToggleVisibility
typedef FlipX CCFlipX
typedef FlipY CCFlipY
typedef Place CCPlace
typedef CallFunc CCCallFunc
typedef CallFuncN CCCallFuncN
typedef __CCCallFuncND CCCallFuncND
typedef __CCCallFuncO CCCallFuncO
typedef GridAction CCGridAction
typedef Grid3DAction CCGrid3DAction
typedef TiledGrid3DAction CCTiledGrid3DAction
typedef StopGrid CCStopGrid
typedef ReuseGrid CCReuseGrid
typedef Waves3D CCWaves3D
typedef FlipX3D CCFlipX3D
typedef FlipY3D CCFlipY3D
typedef Lens3D CCLens3D
typedef Ripple3D CCRipple3D
typedef Shaky3D CCShaky3D
typedef Liquid CCLiquid
typedef Waves CCWaves
typedef Twirl CCTwirl
typedef PageTurn3D CCPageTurn3D
typedef ProgressTo CCProgressTo
typedef ProgressFromTo CCProgressFromTo
typedef ShakyTiles3D CCShakyTiles3D
typedef ShatteredTiles3D CCShatteredTiles3D
typedef ShuffleTiles CCShuffleTiles
typedef FadeOutTRTiles CCFadeOutTRTiles
typedef FadeOutBLTiles CCFadeOutBLTiles
typedef FadeOutUpTiles CCFadeOutUpTiles
typedef FadeOutDownTiles CCFadeOutDownTiles
typedef TurnOffTiles CCTurnOffTiles
typedef WavesTiles3D CCWavesTiles3D
typedef JumpTiles3D CCJumpTiles3D
typedef SplitRows CCSplitRows
typedef SplitCols CCSplitCols
typedef ActionTween CCActionTween
typedef CardinalSplineTo CCCardinalSplineTo
typedef CardinalSplineBy CCCardinalSplineBy
typedef CatmullRomTo CCCatmullRomTo
typedef CatmullRomBy CCCatmullRomBy
typedef AtlasNode CCAtlasNode
typedef TextureProtocol CCTextureProtocol
typedef BlendProtocol CCBlendProtocol
typedef DrawNode CCDrawNode
typedef Camera CCCamera
typedef LabelAtlas CCLabelAtlas
typedef LabelProtocol CCLabelProtocol
typedef Director CCDirector
typedef GridBase CCGridBase
typedef Grid3D CCGrid3D
typedef TiledGrid3D CCTiledGrid3D
typedef Sprite CCSprite
typedef SpriteBatchNode CCSpriteBatchNode
typedef Layer CCLayer
typedef Layer CCLayerRGBA
typedef LayerColor CCLayerColor
typedef LayerGradient CCLayerGradient
typedef LayerMultiplex CCLayerMultiplex
typedef Scene CCScene
typedef TransitionEaseScene CCTransitionEaseScene
typedef TransitionScene CCTransitionScene
typedef TransitionSceneOriented CCTransitionSceneOriented
typedef TransitionRotoZoom CCTransitionRotoZoom
typedef TransitionJumpZoom CCTransitionJumpZoom
typedef TransitionMoveInL CCTransitionMoveInL
typedef TransitionMoveInR CCTransitionMoveInR
typedef TransitionMoveInT CCTransitionMoveInT
typedef TransitionMoveInB CCTransitionMoveInB
typedef TransitionSlideInL CCTransitionSlideInL
typedef TransitionSlideInR CCTransitionSlideInR
typedef TransitionSlideInB CCTransitionSlideInB
typedef TransitionSlideInT CCTransitionSlideInT
typedef TransitionShrinkGrow CCTransitionShrinkGrow
typedef TransitionFlipX CCTransitionFlipX
typedef TransitionFlipY CCTransitionFlipY
typedef TransitionFlipAngular CCTransitionFlipAngular
typedef TransitionZoomFlipX CCTransitionZoomFlipX
typedef TransitionZoomFlipY CCTransitionZoomFlipY
typedef TransitionZoomFlipAngular CCTransitionZoomFlipAngular
typedef TransitionFade CCTransitionFade
typedef TransitionCrossFade CCTransitionCrossFade
typedef TransitionTurnOffTiles CCTransitionTurnOffTiles
typedef TransitionSplitCols CCTransitionSplitCols
typedef TransitionSplitRows CCTransitionSplitRows
typedef TransitionFadeTR CCTransitionFadeTR
typedef TransitionFadeBL CCTransitionFadeBL
typedef TransitionFadeUp CCTransitionFadeUp
typedef TransitionFadeDown CCTransitionFadeDown
typedef TransitionPageTurn CCTransitionPageTurn
typedef TransitionProgress CCTransitionProgress
typedef TransitionProgressRadialCCW CCTransitionProgressRadialCCW
typedef TransitionProgressRadialCW CCTransitionProgressRadialCW
typedef TransitionProgressVertical CCTransitionProgressVertical
typedef TransitionProgressInOut CCTransitionProgressInOut
typedef TransitionProgressOutIn CCTransitionProgressOutIn
typedef MenuItem CCMenuItem
typedef MenuItemLabel CCMenuItemLabel
typedef MenuItemAtlasFont CCMenuItemAtlasFont
typedef MenuItemFont CCMenuItemFont
typedef MenuItemSprite CCMenuItemSprite
typedef MenuItemImage CCMenuItemImage
typedef MenuItemToggle CCMenuItemToggle
typedef Menu CCMenu
typedef ClippingNode CCClippingNode
typedef MotionStreak CCMotionStreak
typedef ProgressTimer CCProgressTimer
typedef RenderTexture CCRenderTexture
typedef ParticleBatchNode CCParticleBatchNode
typedef ParticleSystem CCParticleSystem
typedef ParticleSystemQuad CCParticleSystemQuad
typedef ParticleFire CCParticleFire
typedef ParticleFireworks CCParticleFireworks
typedef ParticleSun CCParticleSun
typedef ParticleGalaxy CCParticleGalaxy
typedef ParticleFlower CCParticleFlower
typedef ParticleMeteor CCParticleMeteor
typedef ParticleSpiral CCParticleSpiral
typedef ParticleExplosion CCParticleExplosion
typedef ParticleSmoke CCParticleSmoke
typedef ParticleSnow CCParticleSnow
typedef ParticleRain CCParticleRain
typedef FileUtils CCFileUtils
typedef Application CCApplication
typedef GLProgramCache CCShaderCache
typedef GLProgramCache ShaderCache
typedef AnimationCache CCAnimationCache
typedef SpriteFrameCache CCSpriteFrameCache
typedef TextureCache CCTextureCache
typedef ParallaxNode CCParallaxNode
typedef TMXObjectGroup CCTMXObjectGroup
typedef TMXLayerInfo CCTMXLayerInfo
typedef TMXTilesetInfo CCTMXTilesetInfo
typedef TMXMapInfo CCTMXMapInfo
typedef TMXLayer CCTMXLayer
typedef TMXTiledMap CCTMXTiledMap
typedef TileMapAtlas CCTileMapAtlas
typedef Timer CCTimer
typedef Scheduler CCScheduler
typedef GLView CCEGLView
typedef Component CCComponent
typedef AffineTransform CCAffineTransform
typedef Vec2 CCPoint
typedef Size CCSize
typedef Rect CCRect
typedef Color3B ccColor3B
typedef Color4F ccColor4F
typedef Color4B ccColor4B
typedef Vec2 ccVertex2F
typedef Vec2 Vertex2F
typedef Vec3 ccVertex3F
typedef Vec3 Vertex3F
typedef Tex2F ccTex2F
typedef PointSprite ccPointSprite
typedef Quad2 ccQuad2
typedef Quad3 ccQuad3
typedef V2F_C4B_T2F ccV2F_C4B_T2F
typedef V2F_C4F_T2F ccV2F_C4F_T2F
typedef V3F_C4B_T2F ccV3F_C4B_T2F
typedef V2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle ccV2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle
typedef V2F_C4B_T2F_Quad ccV2F_C4B_T2F_Quad
typedef V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad
typedef V2F_C4F_T2F_Quad ccV2F_C4F_T2F_Quad
typedef BlendFunc ccBlendFunc
typedef T2F_Quad ccT2F_Quad
typedef AnimationFrameData ccAnimationFrameData
typedef FontShadow ccFontShadow
typedef FontStroke ccFontStroke
typedef FontDefinition ccFontDefinition
typedef TextVAlignment CCVerticalTextAlignment
typedef TextHAlignment CCTextAlignment
typedef ProgressTimer::Type CCProgressTimerType
typedef void * CCZone
typedef ProgressTimer::Type ProgressTimerType
typedef Director::Projection ccDirectorProjection
 Possible OpenGL projections used by director. More...
typedef Texture2D::PixelFormat CCTexture2DPixelFormat
typedef Menu::State tMenuState
typedef Touch::DispatchMode ccTouchesMode
typedef Image::Format tImageFormat
typedef LanguageType ccLanguageType
typedef Application::Platform TargetPlatform
typedef int ccGLServerState
typedef Data CCData
typedef __Set CCSet
typedef __SetIterator CCSetIterator
typedef __Set Set
typedef __SetIterator SetIterator
typedef __Array CCArray
typedef __Array Array
typedef __Dictionary Dictionary
typedef __Dictionary CCDictionary
typedef __Double Double
typedef __Double CCDouble
typedef __Float Float
typedef __Float CCFloat
typedef __Integer Integer
typedef __Integer CCInteger
typedef __Bool Bool
typedef __Bool CCBool
typedef __String CCString
typedef __String String
typedef __RGBAProtocol RGBAProtocol
typedef __NodeRGBA NodeRGBA
typedef __LayerRGBA LayerRGBA
typedef float kmScalar
typedef Mat4 kmMat4
typedef Vec3 kmVec3
typedef Vec2 kmVec2
typedef Vec4 kmVec4
typedef std::set< Ref * >::iterator __SetIterator
typedef Vec2 Vect
typedef std::function< bool(PhysicsWorld
&world, const
PhysicsRayCastInfo &info, void
 Called for each fixture found in the query. More...
typedef std::function< bool(PhysicsWorld
&, PhysicsShape &, void *)> 
typedef unsigned char CC_XML_CHAR
typedef HANDLE pthread_t
typedef HANDLE pthread_mutex_t
typedef int pthread_cond_t
typedef void(* GLInfoFunction )(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint *params)
typedef void(* GLLogFunction )(GLuint program, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *infolog)
typedef struct _MipmapInfo MipmapInfo
typedef int LUA_FUNCTION
typedef int LUA_TABLE
typedef int LUA_STRING
typedef std::map< std::string,
typedef std::list< LuaValueLuaValueArray
typedef std::vector
< ScheduleHandlerDelegate * > 
typedef std::map
< cocos2d::Node *, VecShedule


enum  CameraFlag {
  DEFAULT = 1, USER1 = 1 << 1, USER2 = 1 << 2, USER3 = 1 << 3,
  USER4 = 1 << 4, USER5 = 1 << 5, USER6 = 1 << 6, USER7 = 1 << 7,
  USER8 = 1 << 8
 Note: Scene creates a default camera. More...
enum  { kComponentOnEnter, kComponentOnExit, kComponentOnUpdate }
enum  GlyphCollection { DYNAMIC, NEHE, ASCII, CUSTOM }
enum  LabelEffect { NORMAL, OUTLINE, SHADOW, GLOW }
enum  LightType { DIRECTIONAL = 0, POINT = 1, SPOT = 2, AMBIENT = 3 }
enum  LightFlag {
  LIGHT0 = 1, LIGHT1 = 1 << 1, LIGHT2 = 1 << 2, LIGHT3 = 1 << 3,
  LIGHT4 = 1 << 4, LIGHT5 = 1 << 5, LIGHT6 = 1 << 6, LIGHT7 = 1 << 7,
  LIGHT8 = 1 << 8, LIGHT9 = 1 << 9, LIGHT10 = 1 << 10, LIGHT11 = 1 << 11,
  LIGHT12 = 1 << 12, LIGHT13 = 1 << 13, LIGHT14 = 1 << 14, LIGHT15 = 1 << 15
enum  {
  kNodeOnEnter, kNodeOnExit, kNodeOnEnterTransitionDidFinish, kNodeOnExitTransitionDidStart,
enum  { TMXOrientationOrtho, TMXOrientationHex, TMXOrientationIso, TMXOrientationStaggered }
 Possible orientations of the TMX map. More...
enum  { TMXLayerAttribNone = 1 << 0, TMXLayerAttribBase64 = 1 << 1, TMXLayerAttribGzip = 1 << 2, TMXLayerAttribZlib = 1 << 3 }
enum  {
  TMXPropertyNone, TMXPropertyMap, TMXPropertyLayer, TMXPropertyObjectGroup,
  TMXPropertyObject, TMXPropertyTile
enum  TMXTileFlags {
  kTMXTileHorizontalFlag = 0x80000000, kTMXTileVerticalFlag = 0x40000000, kTMXTileDiagonalFlag = 0x20000000, kTMXFlipedAll = (kTMXTileHorizontalFlag|kTMXTileVerticalFlag|kTMXTileDiagonalFlag),
  kTMXFlippedMask = ~(kTMXFlipedAll)
 Evaluate Type. More...
 Class that creates and handles the main Window and manages how and when to execute the Scenes. More...
enum  {
enum  LanguageType {
 Enum the language type supported now. More...
enum  PointerEventType { PointerPressed, PointerMoved, PointerReleased }
enum  Cocos2dEvent { ShowKeyboard, HideKeyboard, TerminateApp }
enum  Cocos2dKeyEvent : int { Text, Escape, Back, Enter }
enum  LuaBridgeError {
  kLuaBridgeErrorOk = 0, kLuaBridgeErrorInvalidParameters = -1, kLuaBridgeErrorClassNotFound = -2, kLuaBridgeErrorMethodNotFound = -3,
  kLuaBridgeErrorExceptionOccurred = -4, kLuaBridgeErrorMethodSignature = -5, kLuaBridgeErrorJavaVMError = -6
enum  LuaValueType {
  LuaValueTypeInt, LuaValueTypeFloat, LuaValueTypeBoolean, LuaValueTypeString,
  LuaValueTypeDict, LuaValueTypeArray, LuaValueTypeObject


CC_DLL Vec2 ccCardinalSplineAt (Vec2 &p0, Vec2 &p1, Vec2 &p2, Vec2 &p3, float tension, float t)
 Returns the Cardinal Spline position for a given set of control points, tension and time. More...
bool CC_DLL nodeComparisonLess (Node *n1, Node *n2)
bool BundleReader::read< std::string > (std::string *ptr)
 specalization for std::string More...
bool BundleReader::readArray< std::string > (unsigned int *length, std::vector< std::string > *values)
 template function to read array of value. More...
int CC_DLL base64Decode (const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inLength, unsigned char **out)
 Decodes a 64base encoded memory. More...
int CC_DLL base64Encode (const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inLength, char **out)
 Encodes bytes into a 64base encoded memory with terminating '\0' character. More...
ccArray * ccArrayNew (ssize_t capacity)
 Allocates and initializes a new array with specified capacity. More...
void ccArrayFree (ccArray *&arr)
 Frees array after removing all remaining objects. More...
void ccArrayDoubleCapacity (ccArray *arr)
 Doubles array capacity. More...
void ccArrayEnsureExtraCapacity (ccArray *arr, ssize_t extra)
 Increases array capacity such that max >= num + extra. More...
void ccArrayShrink (ccArray *arr)
 shrinks the array so the memory footprint corresponds with the number of items More...
ssize_t ccArrayGetIndexOfObject (ccArray *arr, Ref *object)
 Returns index of first occurrence of object, NSNotFound if object not found. More...
bool ccArrayContainsObject (ccArray *arr, Ref *object)
 Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether object is present in array. More...
void ccArrayAppendObject (ccArray *arr, Ref *object)
 Appends an object. More...
void ccArrayAppendObjectWithResize (ccArray *arr, Ref *object)
 Appends an object. More...
void ccArrayAppendArray (ccArray *arr, ccArray *plusArr)
 Appends objects from plusArr to arr. More...
void ccArrayAppendArrayWithResize (ccArray *arr, ccArray *plusArr)
 Appends objects from plusArr to arr. More...
void ccArrayInsertObjectAtIndex (ccArray *arr, Ref *object, ssize_t index)
 Inserts an object at index. More...
void ccArraySwapObjectsAtIndexes (ccArray *arr, ssize_t index1, ssize_t index2)
 Swaps two objects. More...
void ccArrayRemoveAllObjects (ccArray *arr)
 Removes all objects from arr. More...
void ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex (ccArray *arr, ssize_t index, bool releaseObj=true)
 Removes object at specified index and pushes back all subsequent objects. More...
void ccArrayFastRemoveObjectAtIndex (ccArray *arr, ssize_t index)
 Removes object at specified index and fills the gap with the last object, thereby avoiding the need to push back subsequent objects. More...
void ccArrayFastRemoveObject (ccArray *arr, Ref *object)
void ccArrayRemoveObject (ccArray *arr, Ref *object, bool releaseObj=true)
 Searches for the first occurrence of object and removes it. More...
void ccArrayRemoveArray (ccArray *arr, ccArray *minusArr)
 Removes from arr all objects in minusArr. More...
void ccArrayFullRemoveArray (ccArray *arr, ccArray *minusArr)
 Removes from arr all objects in minusArr. More...
ccCArray * ccCArrayNew (ssize_t capacity)
 Allocates and initializes a new C array with specified capacity. More...
void ccCArrayFree (ccCArray *arr)
 Frees C array after removing all remaining values. More...
void ccCArrayDoubleCapacity (ccCArray *arr)
 Doubles C array capacity. More...
void ccCArrayEnsureExtraCapacity (ccCArray *arr, ssize_t extra)
 Increases array capacity such that max >= num + extra. More...
ssize_t ccCArrayGetIndexOfValue (ccCArray *arr, void *value)
 Returns index of first occurrence of value, NSNotFound if value not found. More...
bool ccCArrayContainsValue (ccCArray *arr, void *value)
 Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether value is present in the C array. More...
void ccCArrayInsertValueAtIndex (ccCArray *arr, void *value, ssize_t index)
 Inserts a value at a certain position. More...
void ccCArrayAppendValue (ccCArray *arr, void *value)
 Appends an value. More...
void ccCArrayAppendValueWithResize (ccCArray *arr, void *value)
 Appends an value. More...
void ccCArrayAppendArray (ccCArray *arr, ccCArray *plusArr)
 Appends values from plusArr to arr. More...
void ccCArrayAppendArrayWithResize (ccCArray *arr, ccCArray *plusArr)
 Appends values from plusArr to arr. More...
void ccCArrayRemoveAllValues (ccCArray *arr)
 Removes all values from arr. More...
void ccCArrayRemoveValueAtIndex (ccCArray *arr, ssize_t index)
 Removes value at specified index and pushes back all subsequent values. More...
void ccCArrayFastRemoveValueAtIndex (ccCArray *arr, ssize_t index)
 Removes value at specified index and fills the gap with the last value, thereby avoiding the need to push back subsequent values. More...
void ccCArrayRemoveValue (ccCArray *arr, void *value)
 Searches for the first occurrence of value and removes it. More...
void ccCArrayRemoveArray (ccCArray *arr, ccCArray *minusArr)
 Removes from arr all values in minusArr. More...
void ccCArrayFullRemoveArray (ccCArray *arr, ccCArray *minusArr)
 Removes from arr all values in minusArr. More...
void CC_DLL log (const char *format,...) CC_FORMAT_PRINTF(1
 Output Debug message. More...
Rect CC_DLL RectFromString (const std::string &str)
 Returns a Core Graphics rectangle structure corresponding to the data in a given string. More...
Vec2 CC_DLL PointFromString (const std::string &str)
 Returns a Core Graphics point structure corresponding to the data in a given string. More...
Size CC_DLL SizeFromString (const std::string &str)
 Returns a Core Graphics size structure corresponding to the data in a given string. More...
void CC_DLL ProfilingBeginTimingBlock (const char *timerName)
void CC_DLL ProfilingEndTimingBlock (const char *timerName)
void CC_DLL ProfilingResetTimingBlock (const char *timerName)
template<typename T >
random (T min, T max)
 returns a random value between min and max More...
float random (float min, float max)
long double random (long double min, long double max)
double random (double min, double max)
int random ()
 Returns a random int between 0 and RAND_MAX. More...
float rand_minus1_1 ()
 Returns a random float between -1 and 1. More...
float rand_0_1 ()
 Returns a random float between 0 and 1. More...
template<class T , class U >
RefPtr< T > static_pointer_cast (const RefPtr< U > &r)
 Cast between RefPtr types statically. More...
template<class T , class U >
RefPtr< T > dynamic_pointer_cast (const RefPtr< U > &r)
 Cast between RefPtr types dynamically. More...
CC_DLL int cc_wcslen (const unsigned short *str)
 Returns the character count in UTF16 string. More...
CC_DLL void cc_utf8_trim_ws (std::vector< unsigned short > *str)
 Trims the space characters at the end of UTF8 string. More...
CC_DLL bool isspace_unicode (unsigned short ch)
 Whether the character is a whitespace character. More...
CC_DLL bool iscjk_unicode (unsigned short ch)
 Whether the character is a Chinese/Japanese/Korean character. More...
CC_DLL long cc_utf8_strlen (const char *p, int max=-1)
 Returns the length of the string in characters. More...
CC_DLL unsigned int cc_utf8_find_last_not_char (const std::vector< unsigned short > &str, unsigned short c)
 Find the last character that is not equal to the character given. More...
CC_DLL std::vector< unsigned
short > 
cc_utf16_vec_from_utf16_str (const unsigned short *str)
 Gets unsigned short vector from a given utf16 string. More...
CC_DLL unsigned short * cc_utf8_to_utf16 (const char *str_old, int length=-1, int *rUtf16Size=nullptr)
 Creates an utf8 string from a c string. More...
CC_DLL char * cc_utf16_to_utf8 (const unsigned short *str, int len=-1, long *items_read=nullptr, long *items_written=nullptr)
 Converts a string from UTF-16 to UTF-8. More...
int ccNextPOT (int value)
 returns the Next Power of Two value. More...
bool tgaLoadHeader (unsigned char *buffer, unsigned long bufSize, tImageTGA *info)
 load the image header fields. We only keep those that matter! More...
bool tgaLoadImageData (unsigned char *buffer, unsigned long bufSize, tImageTGA *info)
 loads the image pixels. You shouldn't call this function directly More...
tImageTGAtgaLoadBuffer (unsigned char *buffer, long size)
 this is the function to call when we want to load an image buffer. More...
tImageTGAtgaLoad (const char *filename)
 this is the function to call when we want to load an image More...
void tgaRGBtogreyscale (tImageTGA *info)
void tgaDestroy (tImageTGA *info)
 releases the memory used for the image More...
CC_DLL const char * cocos2dVersion ()
Vec2 ccp (float x, float y)
 Helper macro that creates a Vec2. More...
Vec2 CCPointMake (float x, float y)
Size CCSizeMake (float width, float height)
Rect CCRectMake (float x, float y, float width, float height)
void CC_DLL CCLog (const char *pszFormat,...) CC_FORMAT_PRINTF(1
 use log() instead More...
void CC_DLL void CC_DLL ccDrawInit ()
void CC_DLL ccDrawFree ()
void CC_DLL ccDrawPoint (const Vec2 &point)
void CC_DLL ccDrawPoints (const Vec2 *points, unsigned int numberOfPoints)
void CC_DLL ccDrawLine (const Vec2 &origin, const Vec2 &destination)
void CC_DLL ccDrawRect (Vec2 origin, Vec2 destination)
void CC_DLL ccDrawSolidRect (Vec2 origin, Vec2 destination, Color4F color)
void CC_DLL ccDrawPoly (const Vec2 *vertices, unsigned int numOfVertices, bool closePolygon)
void CC_DLL ccDrawSolidPoly (const Vec2 *poli, unsigned int numberOfPoints, Color4F color)
void CC_DLL ccDrawCircle (const Vec2 &center, float radius, float angle, unsigned int segments, bool drawLineToCenter, float scaleX, float scaleY)
void CC_DLL ccDrawCircle (const Vec2 &center, float radius, float angle, unsigned int segments, bool drawLineToCenter)
void CC_DLL ccDrawSolidCircle (const Vec2 &center, float radius, float angle, unsigned int segments, float scaleX, float scaleY)
void CC_DLL ccDrawSolidCircle (const Vec2 &center, float radius, float angle, unsigned int segments)
void CC_DLL ccDrawQuadBezier (const Vec2 &origin, const Vec2 &control, const Vec2 &destination, unsigned int segments)
void CC_DLL ccDrawCubicBezier (const Vec2 &origin, const Vec2 &control1, const Vec2 &control2, const Vec2 &destination, unsigned int segments)
void CC_DLL ccDrawCatmullRom (PointArray *arrayOfControlPoints, unsigned int segments)
void CC_DLL ccDrawCardinalSpline (PointArray *config, float tension, unsigned int segments)
void CC_DLL ccDrawColor4B (GLubyte r, GLubyte g, GLubyte b, GLubyte a)
void CC_DLL ccDrawColor4F (GLfloat r, GLfloat g, GLfloat b, GLfloat a)
void CC_DLL ccPointSize (GLfloat pointSize)
void CC_DLL ccGLInvalidateStateCache ()
void CC_DLL ccGLUseProgram (GLuint program)
void CC_DLL ccGLDeleteProgram (GLuint program)
void CC_DLL ccGLBlendFunc (GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor)
void CC_DLL ccGLBlendResetToCache ()
void CC_DLL ccSetProjectionMatrixDirty ()
void CC_DLL ccGLEnableVertexAttribs (unsigned int flags)
void CC_DLL ccGLBindTexture2D (GLuint textureId)
void CC_DLL ccGLBindTexture2DN (GLuint textureUnit, GLuint textureId)
void CC_DLL ccGLDeleteTexture (GLuint textureId)
void CC_DLL ccGLDeleteTextureN (GLuint textureUnit, GLuint textureId)
void CC_DLL ccGLBindVAO (GLuint vaoId)
void CC_DLL ccGLEnable (int flags)
void CC_DLL kmGLFreeAll (void)
void CC_DLL kmGLPushMatrix (void)
void CC_DLL kmGLPopMatrix (void)
void CC_DLL kmGLMatrixMode (unsigned int mode)
void CC_DLL kmGLLoadIdentity (void)
void CC_DLL kmGLLoadMatrix (const Mat4 *pIn)
void CC_DLL kmGLMultMatrix (const Mat4 *pIn)
void CC_DLL kmGLTranslatef (float x, float y, float z)
void CC_DLL kmGLRotatef (float angle, float x, float y, float z)
void CC_DLL kmGLScalef (float x, float y, float z)
void CC_DLL kmGLGetMatrix (unsigned int mode, Mat4 *pOut)
CC_DLL Mat4kmMat4Fill (Mat4 *pOut, const float *pMat)
CC_DLL Mat4kmMat4Assign (Mat4 *pOut, const Mat4 *pIn)
CC_DLL Mat4kmMat4Identity (Mat4 *pOut)
CC_DLL Mat4kmMat4Inverse (Mat4 *pOut, const Mat4 *pM)
CC_DLL Mat4kmMat4Transpose (Mat4 *pOut, const Mat4 *pIn)
CC_DLL Mat4kmMat4Multiply (Mat4 *pOut, const Mat4 *pM1, const Mat4 *pM2)
CC_DLL Mat4kmMat4Translation (Mat4 *pOut, const float x, const float y, const float z)
CC_DLL Mat4kmMat4RotationX (Mat4 *pOut, const float radians)
CC_DLL Mat4kmMat4RotationY (Mat4 *pOut, const float radians)
CC_DLL Mat4kmMat4RotationZ (Mat4 *pOut, const float radians)
CC_DLL Mat4kmMat4RotationAxisAngle (Mat4 *pOut, const Vec3 *axis, float radians)
CC_DLL Mat4kmMat4Scaling (Mat4 *pOut, const float x, const float y, const float z)
CC_DLL Mat4kmMat4PerspectiveProjection (Mat4 *pOut, float fovY, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)
CC_DLL Mat4kmMat4OrthographicProjection (Mat4 *pOut, float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float nearVal, float farVal)
CC_DLL Mat4kmMat4LookAt (Mat4 *pOut, const Vec3 *pEye, const Vec3 *pCenter, const Vec3 *pUp)
CC_DLL Vec3kmVec3Fill (Vec3 *pOut, float x, float y, float z)
CC_DLL float kmVec3Length (const Vec3 *pIn)
CC_DLL float kmVec3LengthSq (const Vec3 *pIn)
CC_DLL Vec3kmVec3Lerp (Vec3 *pOut, const Vec3 *pV1, const Vec3 *pV2, float t)
CC_DLL Vec3kmVec3Normalize (Vec3 *pOut, const Vec3 *pIn)
CC_DLL Vec3kmVec3Cross (Vec3 *pOut, const Vec3 *pV1, const Vec3 *pV2)
CC_DLL float kmVec3Dot (const Vec3 *pV1, const Vec3 *pV2)
CC_DLL Vec3kmVec3Add (Vec3 *pOut, const Vec3 *pV1, const Vec3 *pV2)
CC_DLL Vec3kmVec3Subtract (Vec3 *pOut, const Vec3 *pV1, const Vec3 *pV2)
CC_DLL Vec3kmVec3Transform (Vec3 *pOut, const Vec3 *pV1, const Mat4 *pM)
CC_DLL Vec3kmVec3TransformNormal (Vec3 *pOut, const Vec3 *pV, const Mat4 *pM)
CC_DLL Vec3kmVec3TransformCoord (Vec3 *pOut, const Vec3 *pV, const Mat4 *pM)
CC_DLL Vec3kmVec3Scale (Vec3 *pOut, const Vec3 *pIn, const float s)
CC_DLL Vec3kmVec3Assign (Vec3 *pOut, const Vec3 *pIn)
CC_DLL Vec3kmVec3Zero (Vec3 *pOut)
CC_DLL Vec2kmVec2Fill (Vec2 *pOut, float x, float y)
CC_DLL float kmVec2Length (const Vec2 *pIn)
CC_DLL float kmVec2LengthSq (const Vec2 *pIn)
CC_DLL Vec2kmVec2Normalize (Vec2 *pOut, const Vec2 *pIn)
CC_DLL Vec2kmVec2Lerp (Vec2 *pOut, const Vec2 *pV1, const Vec2 *pV2, float t)
CC_DLL Vec2kmVec2Add (Vec2 *pOut, const Vec2 *pV1, const Vec2 *pV2)
CC_DLL float kmVec2Dot (const Vec2 *pV1, const Vec2 *pV2)
CC_DLL Vec2kmVec2Subtract (Vec2 *pOut, const Vec2 *pV1, const Vec2 *pV2)
CC_DLL Vec2kmVec2Scale (Vec2 *pOut, const Vec2 *pIn, const float s)
CC_DLL Vec2kmVec2Assign (Vec2 *pOut, const Vec2 *pIn)
CC_DLL Vec4kmVec4Fill (Vec4 *pOut, float x, float y, float z, float w)
CC_DLL Vec4kmVec4Add (Vec4 *pOut, const Vec4 *pV1, const Vec4 *pV2)
CC_DLL float kmVec4Dot (const Vec4 *pV1, const Vec4 *pV2)
CC_DLL float kmVec4Length (const Vec4 *pIn)
CC_DLL float kmVec4LengthSq (const Vec4 *pIn)
CC_DLL Vec4kmVec4Lerp (Vec4 *pOut, const Vec4 *pV1, const Vec4 *pV2, float t)
CC_DLL Vec4kmVec4Normalize (Vec4 *pOut, const Vec4 *pIn)
CC_DLL Vec4kmVec4Scale (Vec4 *pOut, const Vec4 *pIn, const float s)
CC_DLL Vec4kmVec4Subtract (Vec4 *pOut, const Vec4 *pV1, const Vec4 *pV2)
CC_DLL Vec4kmVec4Assign (Vec4 *pOut, const Vec4 *pIn)
CC_DLL Vec4kmVec4MultiplyMat4 (Vec4 *pOut, const Vec4 *pV, const Mat4 *pM)
CC_DLL Vec4kmVec4Transform (Vec4 *pOut, const Vec4 *pV, const Mat4 *pM)
CC_DLL AffineTransform __CCAffineTransformMake (float a, float b, float c, float d, float tx, float ty)
CC_DLL Vec2 __CCPointApplyAffineTransform (const Vec2 &point, const AffineTransform &t)
CC_DLL Size __CCSizeApplyAffineTransform (const Size &size, const AffineTransform &t)
CC_DLL AffineTransform AffineTransformMakeIdentity ()
CC_DLL Rect RectApplyAffineTransform (const Rect &rect, const AffineTransform &anAffineTransform)
CC_DLL Rect RectApplyTransform (const Rect &rect, const Mat4 &transform)
CC_DLL Vec2 PointApplyTransform (const Vec2 &point, const Mat4 &transform)
CC_DLL AffineTransform AffineTransformTranslate (const AffineTransform &t, float tx, float ty)
CC_DLL AffineTransform AffineTransformRotate (const AffineTransform &aTransform, float anAngle)
CC_DLL AffineTransform AffineTransformScale (const AffineTransform &t, float sx, float sy)
CC_DLL AffineTransform AffineTransformConcat (const AffineTransform &t1, const AffineTransform &t2)
CC_DLL bool AffineTransformEqualToTransform (const AffineTransform &t1, const AffineTransform &t2)
CC_DLL AffineTransform AffineTransformInvert (const AffineTransform &t)
CC_DLL Mat4 TransformConcat (const Mat4 &t1, const Mat4 &t2)
void CC_DLL ccVertexLineToPolygon (Vec2 *points, float stroke, Vec2 *vertices, unsigned int offset, unsigned int nuPoints)
 converts a line to a polygon More...
bool CC_DLL ccVertexLineIntersect (float Ax, float Ay, float Bx, float By, float Cx, float Cy, float Dx, float Dy, float *T)
 returns whether or not the line intersects More...
CC_DLL void CGAffineToGL (const AffineTransform &t, GLfloat *m)
CC_DLL void GLToCGAffine (const GLfloat *m, AffineTransform *t)
const PhysicsMaterial PHYSICSBODY_MATERIAL_DEFAULT (0.1f, 0.5f, 0.5f)
const PhysicsMaterial PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT (0.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f)
void CC_DLL LuaLog (const char *format)
 lua can not deal with ... More...
void CC_DLL MessageBox (const char *msg, const char *title)
 Pop out a message box. More...
int CC_DLL gettimeofday (struct timeval *, struct timezone *)
void pthread_mutex_init (pthread_mutex_t *m, void *attributes)
int pthread_mutex_lock (pthread_mutex_t *m)
int pthread_mutex_unlock (pthread_mutex_t *m)
void pthread_mutex_destroy (pthread_mutex_t *m)
std::wstring CC_DLL CCUtf8ToUnicode (const char *pszUtf8Str, unsigned len=-1)
std::string CC_DLL CCUnicodeToUtf8 (const wchar_t *pwszStr)
std::string PlatformStringToString (Platform::String^s)
Platform::String PlatformStringFromString (const std::string &s)
float ConvertDipsToPixels (float dips)
float getScaledDPIValue (float v)
< Platform::Array< byte >^> 
ReadDataAsync (Platform::String^path)
void CC_DLL CCLogIPAddresses ()
std::string CC_DLL getDeviceIPAddresses ()
public delegate void Cocos2dEventDelegate (Cocos2dEvent event, Platform::String^text)
public delegate void Cocos2dMessageBoxDelegate (Platform::String^title, Platform::String^text)
public delegate void Cocos2dEditBoxDelegate (Platform::String^strPlaceHolder, Platform::String^strText, int maxLength, int inputMode, int inputFlag, Windows::Foundation::EventHandler< Platform::String^>^receiveHandler)
public delegate void Cocos2dOpenURLDelegate (Platform::String^url)
public delegate void RequestAdditionalFrameHandler ()


std::string CC_DLL s_attributeNames []
const std::string CC_DLL STD_STRING_EMPTY
bool kProfilerCategorySprite
bool kProfilerCategoryBatchSprite
bool kProfilerCategoryParticles
CC_DLL const ValueVector ValueVectorNull
CC_DLL const ValueMap ValueMapNull
CC_DLL const ValueMapIntKey ValueMapIntKeyNull
const Vec2 CCPointZero
const Size CCSizeZero
const Rect CCRectZero
const Color3B ccWHITE
const Color3B ccYELLOW
const Color3B ccGREEN
const Color3B ccBLUE
const Color3B ccRED
const Color3B ccMAGENTA
const Color3B ccBLACK
const Color3B ccORANGE
const Color3B ccGRAY
const BlendFunc kCCBlendFuncDisable
const int kCCVertexAttrib_Position = GLProgram::VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION
const int kCCVertexAttrib_Color = GLProgram::VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR
const int kCCVertexAttrib_TexCoords = GLProgram::VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEX_COORD
const int kCCVertexAttrib_MAX = GLProgram::VERTEX_ATTRIB_MAX
const int kCCUniformPMatrix = GLProgram::UNIFORM_P_MATRIX
const int kCCUniformMVMatrix = GLProgram::UNIFORM_MV_MATRIX
const int kCCUniformMVPMatrix = GLProgram::UNIFORM_MVP_MATRIX
const int kCCUniformTime = GLProgram::UNIFORM_TIME
const int kCCUniformSinTime = GLProgram::UNIFORM_SIN_TIME
const int kCCUniformCosTime = GLProgram::UNIFORM_COS_TIME
const int kCCUniformRandom01 = GLProgram::UNIFORM_RANDOM01
const int kCCUniformSampler = GLProgram::UNIFORM_SAMPLER0
const int kCCUniform_MAX = GLProgram::UNIFORM_MAX
const char * kCCShader_PositionTextureColor
const char * kCCShader_PositionTextureColorAlphaTest
const char * kCCShader_PositionColor
const char * kCCShader_PositionTexture
const char * kCCShader_PositionTexture_uColor
const char * kCCShader_PositionTextureA8Color
const char * kCCShader_Position_uColor
const char * kCCShader_PositionLengthTexureColor
const char * kCCUniformPMatrix_s
const char * kCCUniformMVMatrix_s
const char * kCCUniformMVPMatrix_s
const char * kCCUniformTime_s
const char * kCCUniformSinTime_s
const char * kCCUniformCosTime_s
const char * kCCUniformRandom01_s
const char * kCCUniformSampler_s
const char * kCCUniformAlphaTestValue
const char * kCCAttributeNameColor
const char * kCCAttributeNamePosition
const char * kCCAttributeNameTexCoord
const int kCCVertexAttribFlag_None = GL::VERTEX_ATTRIB_FLAG_NONE
const int kCCVertexAttribFlag_Position = GL::VERTEX_ATTRIB_FLAG_POSITION
const int kCCVertexAttribFlag_Color = GL::VERTEX_ATTRIB_FLAG_COLOR
const int kCCVertexAttribFlag_TexCoords = GL::VERTEX_ATTRIB_FLAG_TEX_COORD
const int kCCVertexAttribFlag_PosColorTex = GL::VERTEX_ATTRIB_FLAG_POS_COLOR_TEX
const ProgressTimer::Type kCCProgressTimerTypeRadial = ProgressTimer::Type::RADIAL
const ProgressTimer::Type kCCProgressTimerTypeBar = ProgressTimer::Type::BAR
const Director::Projection kCCDirectorProjection2D = Director::Projection::_2D
const Director::Projection kCCDirectorProjection3D = Director::Projection::_3D
const Director::Projection kCCDirectorProjectionCustom = Director::Projection::CUSTOM
const Director::Projection kCCDirectorProjectionDefault = Director::Projection::DEFAULT
const TextVAlignment kCCVerticalTextAlignmentTop = TextVAlignment::TOP
const TextVAlignment kCCVerticalTextAlignmentCenter = TextVAlignment::CENTER
const TextVAlignment kCCVerticalTextAlignmentBottom = TextVAlignment::BOTTOM
const TextHAlignment kCCTextAlignmentLeft = TextHAlignment::LEFT
const TextHAlignment kCCTextAlignmentCenter = TextHAlignment::CENTER
const TextHAlignment kCCTextAlignmentRight = TextHAlignment::RIGHT
const Texture2D::PixelFormat kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGBA8888 = Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGBA8888
const Texture2D::PixelFormat kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGB888 = Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGB888
const Texture2D::PixelFormat kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGB565 = Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGB565
const Texture2D::PixelFormat kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_A8 = Texture2D::PixelFormat::A8
const Texture2D::PixelFormat kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_I8 = Texture2D::PixelFormat::I8
const Texture2D::PixelFormat kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_AI88 = Texture2D::PixelFormat::AI88
const Texture2D::PixelFormat kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGBA4444 = Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGBA4444
const Texture2D::PixelFormat kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGB5A1 = Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGB5A1
const Texture2D::PixelFormat kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_PVRTC4 = Texture2D::PixelFormat::PVRTC4
const Texture2D::PixelFormat kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_PVRTC2 = Texture2D::PixelFormat::PVRTC2
const Texture2D::PixelFormat kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_Default = Texture2D::PixelFormat::DEFAULT
const int kCCParticleDurationInfinity = ParticleSystem::DURATION_INFINITY
const int kCCParticleStartSizeEqualToEndSize = ParticleSystem::START_SIZE_EQUAL_TO_END_SIZE
const int kCCParticleStartRadiusEqualToEndRadius = ParticleSystem::START_RADIUS_EQUAL_TO_END_RADIUS
const int kParticleDurationInfinity = ParticleSystem::DURATION_INFINITY
const int kParticleStartSizeEqualToEndSize = ParticleSystem::START_SIZE_EQUAL_TO_END_SIZE
const int kParticleStartRadiusEqualToEndRadius = ParticleSystem::START_RADIUS_EQUAL_TO_END_RADIUS
const ParticleSystem::Mode kCCParticleModeGravity = ParticleSystem::Mode::GRAVITY
const ParticleSystem::Mode kCCParticleModeRadius = ParticleSystem::Mode::RADIUS
const int kCCParticleDefaultCapacity = kParticleDefaultCapacity
const ParticleSystem::PositionType kCCPositionTypeFree = ParticleSystem::PositionType::FREE
const ParticleSystem::PositionType kCCPositionTypeRelative = ParticleSystem::PositionType::RELATIVE
const ParticleSystem::PositionType kCCPositionTypeGrouped = ParticleSystem::PositionType::GROUPED
const Menu::State kCCMenuStateWaiting = Menu::State::WAITING
const Menu::State kCCMenuStateTrackingTouch = Menu::State::TRACKING_TOUCH
const Touch::DispatchMode kCCTouchesOneByOne = Touch::DispatchMode::ONE_BY_ONE
const Touch::DispatchMode kCCTouchesAllAtOnce = Touch::DispatchMode::ALL_AT_ONCE
const Image::Format kCCImageFormatPNG = Image::Format::PNG
const Image::Format kCCImageFormatJPEG = Image::Format::JPG
const TransitionScene::Orientation kCCTransitionOrientationLeftOver = TransitionScene::Orientation::LEFT_OVER
const TransitionScene::Orientation kCCTransitionOrientationRightOver = TransitionScene::Orientation::RIGHT_OVER
const TransitionScene::Orientation kCCTransitionOrientationUpOver = TransitionScene::Orientation::UP_OVER
const TransitionScene::Orientation kCCTransitionOrientationDownOver = TransitionScene::Orientation::DOWN_OVER
const int kCCPrioritySystem = Scheduler::PRIORITY_SYSTEM
const int kCCPriorityNonSystemMin = Scheduler::PRIORITY_NON_SYSTEM_MIN
const int kCCActionTagInvalid = Action::INVALID_TAG
const int kCCNodeTagInvalid = Node::INVALID_TAG
const int kCCNodeOnEnter = kNodeOnEnter
const int kCCNodeOnExit = kNodeOnExit
const int kCCNodeOnEnterTransitionDidFinish = kNodeOnEnterTransitionDidFinish
const int kCCNodeOnExitTransitionDidStart = kNodeOnExitTransitionDidStart
const int kCCNodeOnCleanup = kNodeOnCleanup
const LanguageType kLanguageEnglish = LanguageType::ENGLISH
const LanguageType kLanguageChinese = LanguageType::CHINESE
const LanguageType kLanguageFrench = LanguageType::FRENCH
const LanguageType kLanguageItalian = LanguageType::ITALIAN
const LanguageType kLanguageGerman = LanguageType::GERMAN
const LanguageType kLanguageSpanish = LanguageType::SPANISH
const LanguageType kLanguageRussian = LanguageType::RUSSIAN
const LanguageType kLanguageKorean = LanguageType::KOREAN
const LanguageType kLanguageJapanese = LanguageType::JAPANESE
const LanguageType kLanguageHungarian = LanguageType::HUNGARIAN
const LanguageType kLanguagePortuguese = LanguageType::PORTUGUESE
const LanguageType kLanguageArabic = LanguageType::ARABIC
const LanguageType kLanguageNorwegian = LanguageType::NORWEGIAN
const LanguageType kLanguagePolish = LanguageType::POLISH
const Application::Platform kTargetWindows = Application::Platform::OS_WINDOWS
const Application::Platform kTargetLinux = Application::Platform::OS_LINUX
const Application::Platform kTargetMacOS = Application::Platform::OS_MAC
const Application::Platform kTargetAndroid = Application::Platform::OS_ANDROID
const Application::Platform kTargetIphone = Application::Platform::OS_IPHONE
const Application::Platform kTargetIpad = Application::Platform::OS_IPAD
const Application::Platform kTargetBlackBerry = Application::Platform::OS_BLACKBERRY
const Application::Platform kTargetNaCl = Application::Platform::OS_NACL
const Application::Platform kTargetEmscripten = Application::Platform::OS_EMSCRIPTEN
const Application::Platform kTargetTizen = Application::Platform::OS_TIZEN
const Application::Platform kTargetWinRT = Application::Platform::OS_WINRT
const Application::Platform kTargetWP8 = Application::Platform::OS_WP8
const ResolutionPolicy kResolutionExactFit = ResolutionPolicy::EXACT_FIT
const ResolutionPolicy kResolutionNoBorder = ResolutionPolicy::NO_BORDER
const ResolutionPolicy kResolutionShowAll = ResolutionPolicy::SHOW_ALL
const ResolutionPolicy kResolutionFixedHeight = ResolutionPolicy::FIXED_HEIGHT
const ResolutionPolicy kResolutionFixedWidth = ResolutionPolicy::FIXED_WIDTH
const ResolutionPolicy kResolutionUnKnown = ResolutionPolicy::UNKNOWN
const unsigned int KM_GL_MODELVIEW = 0x1700
const unsigned int KM_GL_PROJECTION = 0x1701
const unsigned int KM_GL_TEXTURE = 0x1702
const Vec3 KM_VEC3_NEG_Z
const Vec3 KM_VEC3_POS_Z
const Vec3 KM_VEC3_POS_Y
const Vec3 KM_VEC3_NEG_Y
const Vec3 KM_VEC3_NEG_X
const Vec3 KM_VEC3_POS_X
const Vec3 KM_VEC3_ZERO
const Vec2 KM_VEC2_POS_Y
const Vec2 KM_VEC2_NEG_Y
const Vec2 KM_VEC2_NEG_X
const Vec2 KM_VEC2_POS_X
const Vec2 KM_VEC2_ZERO
CC_DLL const AffineTransform AffineTransformIdentity
CC_DLL const GLcharccPosition_uColor_frag
CC_DLL const GLcharccPosition_uColor_vert
CC_DLL const GLcharccPositionColor_frag
CC_DLL const GLcharccPositionColor_vert
CC_DLL const GLcharccPositionTexture_frag
CC_DLL const GLcharccPositionTexture_vert
CC_DLL const GLcharccPositionTextureA8Color_frag
CC_DLL const GLcharccPositionTextureA8Color_vert
CC_DLL const GLcharccPositionTextureColor_frag
CC_DLL const GLcharccPositionTextureColor_vert
CC_DLL const GLcharccPositionTextureColor_noMVP_frag
CC_DLL const GLcharccPositionTextureColor_noMVP_vert
CC_DLL const GLcharccPositionTextureColorAlphaTest_frag
CC_DLL const GLcharccPositionTexture_uColor_frag
CC_DLL const GLcharccPositionTexture_uColor_vert
CC_DLL const GLcharccPositionColorLengthTexture_frag
CC_DLL const GLcharccPositionColorLengthTexture_vert
CC_DLL const GLcharccLabelDistanceFieldNormal_frag
CC_DLL const GLcharccLabelDistanceFieldGlow_frag
CC_DLL const GLcharccLabelNormal_frag
CC_DLL const GLcharccLabelOutline_frag
CC_DLL const GLcharccLabel_vert
CC_DLL const GLcharcc3D_PositionTex_vert
CC_DLL const GLcharcc3D_SkinPositionTex_vert
CC_DLL const GLcharcc3D_ColorTex_frag
CC_DLL const GLcharcc3D_Color_frag
CC_DLL const GLcharcc3D_PositionNormalTex_vert
CC_DLL const GLcharcc3D_SkinPositionNormalTex_vert
CC_DLL const GLcharcc3D_ColorNormalTex_frag
CC_DLL const GLcharcc3D_ColorNormal_frag

Detailed Description

Add deprecated global functions and variables here.

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::function<void(Ref*)> ccMenuCallback
typedef int LUA_FUNCTION
typedef int LUA_STRING
typedef int LUA_TABLE
typedef std::list<LuaValue> LuaValueArray
typedef LuaValueArray::const_iterator LuaValueArrayIterator
typedef std::map<std::string, LuaValue> LuaValueDict
typedef LuaValueDict::const_iterator LuaValueDictIterator
typedef struct _MipmapInfo MipmapInfo
typedef std::function<bool(PhysicsWorld&, PhysicsShape&, void*)> PhysicsQueryRectCallbackFunc
typedef std::function<bool(PhysicsWorld& world, const PhysicsRayCastInfo& info, void* data)> PhysicsRayCastCallbackFunc

Called for each fixture found in the query.

You control how the ray cast proceeds by returning a float: return true: continue return false: terminate the ray cast

fixturethe fixture hit by the ray
pointthe point of initial intersection
normalthe normal vector at the point of intersection
true to continue, false to terminate
typedef int pthread_cond_t
typedef HANDLE pthread_mutex_t
typedef HANDLE pthread_t
typedef struct unz_file_info_s unz_file_info
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, Value> ValueMap
typedef std::unordered_map<int, Value> ValueMapIntKey
typedef std::vector<Value> ValueVector
typedef std::vector<ScheduleHandlerDelegate*> VecShedule
typedef Vec2 Vect

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum
anonymous enum
anonymous enum
enum CameraFlag

Note: Scene creates a default camera.

And the default camera mask of Node is 1, therefore it can be seen by the default camera. During rendering the scene, it draws the objects seen by each camera in the added order except default camera. The default camera is the last one being drawn with. If 3D objects exist, you'd better create a seperate camera for them. And set the 3d camera flag to CameraFlag::USER1 or anything else except DEFAULT. The DEFAULT camera is for UI, because it is rendered at last. You can change the camera added order to get different result when depth test is not enabled. For each camera, transparent 3d sprite is rendered after opaque 3d sprite and other 2d objects.

enum Cocos2dEvent
enum Cocos2dKeyEvent : int
enum EvaluateType

Evaluate Type.

enum GlyphCollection
enum LabelEffect
enum LightFlag
enum LightType

Function Documentation

CC_DLL AffineTransform cocos2d::__CCAffineTransformMake ( float  a,
float  b,
float  c,
float  d,
float  tx,
float  ty 
CC_DLL Vec2 cocos2d::__CCPointApplyAffineTransform ( const Vec2 point,
const AffineTransform &  t 
CC_DLL Size cocos2d::__CCSizeApplyAffineTransform ( const Size &  size,
const AffineTransform &  t 
CC_DLL AffineTransform cocos2d::AffineTransformConcat ( const AffineTransform &  t1,
const AffineTransform &  t2 
CC_DLL bool cocos2d::AffineTransformEqualToTransform ( const AffineTransform &  t1,
const AffineTransform &  t2 
CC_DLL AffineTransform cocos2d::AffineTransformInvert ( const AffineTransform &  t)
CC_DLL AffineTransform cocos2d::AffineTransformMakeIdentity ( )
CC_DLL AffineTransform cocos2d::AffineTransformRotate ( const AffineTransform &  aTransform,
float  anAngle 
CC_DLL AffineTransform cocos2d::AffineTransformScale ( const AffineTransform &  t,
float  sx,
float  sy 
CC_DLL AffineTransform cocos2d::AffineTransformTranslate ( const AffineTransform &  t,
float  tx,
float  ty 
int CC_DLL cocos2d::base64Decode ( const unsigned char *  in,
unsigned int  inLength,
unsigned char **  out 

Decodes a 64base encoded memory.

The decoded memory is expected to be freed by the caller by calling free()

the length of the out buffer
int CC_DLL cocos2d::base64Encode ( const unsigned char *  in,
unsigned int  inLength,
char **  out 

Encodes bytes into a 64base encoded memory with terminating '\0' character.

The encoded memory is expected to be freed by the caller by calling free()

the length of the out buffer
bool cocos2d::BundleReader::read< std::string > ( std::string *  ptr)

specalization for std::string

bool cocos2d::BundleReader::readArray< std::string > ( unsigned int *  length,
std::vector< std::string > *  values 

template function to read array of value.

CC_DLL char* cocos2d::cc_utf16_to_utf8 ( const unsigned short *  str,
int  len = -1,
long *  items_read = nullptr,
long *  items_written = nullptr 

Converts a string from UTF-16 to UTF-8.

The result will be null terminated.

utf16an UTF-16 encoded string, It must be an NULL terminal UTF16 string.
lennot used from 3.1, keep it just for backward compatibility
items_readnot used from 3.1, keep it just for backward compatibility
items_writtennot used from 3.1, keep it just for backward compatibility
Please use StringUtils::UTF16ToUTF8 instead
a pointer to a newly allocated UTF-8 string. This value must be released with delete[]. If an error occurs, NULL will be returned.
CC_DLL std::vector<unsigned short> cocos2d::cc_utf16_vec_from_utf16_str ( const unsigned short *  str)

Gets unsigned short vector from a given utf16 string.

Please use StringUtils::getChar16VectorFromUTF16String instead
CC_DLL unsigned int cocos2d::cc_utf8_find_last_not_char ( const std::vector< unsigned short > &  str,
unsigned short  c 

Find the last character that is not equal to the character given.

strthe string to be searched.
cthe character to be searched for.
Please use StringUtils::getIndexOfLastNotChar16 instead
the index of the last character that is not c.
CC_DLL long cocos2d::cc_utf8_strlen ( const char *  p,
int  max = -1 

Returns the length of the string in characters.

ppointer to the start of a UTF-8 encoded string. It must be an NULL terminal UTF8 string.
maxNot used from 3.1, just keep it for backward compatibility
Please use StringUtils::getCharacterCountInUTF8String instead
the length of the string in characters
CC_DLL unsigned short* cocos2d::cc_utf8_to_utf16 ( const char *  str_old,
int  length = -1,
int *  rUtf16Size = nullptr 

Creates an utf8 string from a c string.

The result will be null terminated.

str_oldpointer to the start of a C string. It must be an NULL terminal UTF8 string.
lengthnot used from 3.1, keep it just for backward compatibility
rUtf16SizeThe character count in the return UTF16 string.
Please use StringUtils::UTF8ToUTF16 instead
the newly created utf16 string, it must be released with delete[], If an error occurs, NULL will be returned.
CC_DLL void cocos2d::cc_utf8_trim_ws ( std::vector< unsigned short > *  str)

Trims the space characters at the end of UTF8 string.

Please use StringUtils::trimUTF16Vector instead
CC_DLL int cocos2d::cc_wcslen ( const unsigned short *  str)

Returns the character count in UTF16 string.

strpointer to the start of a UTF-16 encoded string. It must be an NULL terminal UTF8 string.
Please use c++11 std::u16string::length instead, don't use unsigned short* directly
void cocos2d::ccArrayAppendArray ( ccArray *  arr,
ccArray *  plusArr 

Appends objects from plusArr to arr.

Behavior undefined if arr doesn't have enough capacity.

void cocos2d::ccArrayAppendArrayWithResize ( ccArray *  arr,
ccArray *  plusArr 

Appends objects from plusArr to arr.

Capacity of arr is increased if needed.

void cocos2d::ccArrayAppendObject ( ccArray *  arr,
Ref *  object 

Appends an object.

Behavior undefined if array doesn't have enough capacity.

void cocos2d::ccArrayAppendObjectWithResize ( ccArray *  arr,
Ref *  object 

Appends an object.

Capacity of arr is increased if needed.

bool cocos2d::ccArrayContainsObject ( ccArray *  arr,
Ref *  object 

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether object is present in array.

void cocos2d::ccArrayDoubleCapacity ( ccArray *  arr)

Doubles array capacity.

void cocos2d::ccArrayEnsureExtraCapacity ( ccArray *  arr,
ssize_t  extra 

Increases array capacity such that max >= num + extra.

void cocos2d::ccArrayFastRemoveObject ( ccArray *  arr,
Ref *  object 
void cocos2d::ccArrayFastRemoveObjectAtIndex ( ccArray *  arr,
ssize_t  index 

Removes object at specified index and fills the gap with the last object, thereby avoiding the need to push back subsequent objects.

Behavior undefined if index outside [0, num-1].

void cocos2d::ccArrayFree ( ccArray *&  arr)

Frees array after removing all remaining objects.

Silently ignores nil arr.

void cocos2d::ccArrayFullRemoveArray ( ccArray *  arr,
ccArray *  minusArr 

Removes from arr all objects in minusArr.

For each object in minusArr, all matching instances in arr will be removed.

ssize_t cocos2d::ccArrayGetIndexOfObject ( ccArray *  arr,
Ref *  object 

Returns index of first occurrence of object, NSNotFound if object not found.

void cocos2d::ccArrayInsertObjectAtIndex ( ccArray *  arr,
Ref *  object,
ssize_t  index 

Inserts an object at index.

ccArray* cocos2d::ccArrayNew ( ssize_t  capacity)

Allocates and initializes a new array with specified capacity.

void cocos2d::ccArrayRemoveAllObjects ( ccArray *  arr)

Removes all objects from arr.

void cocos2d::ccArrayRemoveArray ( ccArray *  arr,
ccArray *  minusArr 

Removes from arr all objects in minusArr.

For each object in minusArr, the first matching instance in arr will be removed.

void cocos2d::ccArrayRemoveObject ( ccArray *  arr,
Ref *  object,
bool  releaseObj = true 

Searches for the first occurrence of object and removes it.

If object is not found the function has no effect.

void cocos2d::ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex ( ccArray *  arr,
ssize_t  index,
bool  releaseObj = true 

Removes object at specified index and pushes back all subsequent objects.

Behavior undefined if index outside [0, num-1].

void cocos2d::ccArrayShrink ( ccArray *  arr)

shrinks the array so the memory footprint corresponds with the number of items

void cocos2d::ccArraySwapObjectsAtIndexes ( ccArray *  arr,
ssize_t  index1,
ssize_t  index2 

Swaps two objects.

void cocos2d::ccCArrayAppendArray ( ccCArray *  arr,
ccCArray *  plusArr 

Appends values from plusArr to arr.

Behavior undefined if arr doesn't have enough capacity.

void cocos2d::ccCArrayAppendArrayWithResize ( ccCArray *  arr,
ccCArray *  plusArr 

Appends values from plusArr to arr.

Capacity of arr is increased if needed.

void cocos2d::ccCArrayAppendValue ( ccCArray *  arr,
void *  value 

Appends an value.

Behavior undefined if array doesn't have enough capacity.

void cocos2d::ccCArrayAppendValueWithResize ( ccCArray *  arr,
void *  value 

Appends an value.

Capacity of arr is increased if needed.

bool cocos2d::ccCArrayContainsValue ( ccCArray *  arr,
void *  value 

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether value is present in the C array.

void cocos2d::ccCArrayDoubleCapacity ( ccCArray *  arr)

Doubles C array capacity.

void cocos2d::ccCArrayEnsureExtraCapacity ( ccCArray *  arr,
ssize_t  extra 

Increases array capacity such that max >= num + extra.

void cocos2d::ccCArrayFastRemoveValueAtIndex ( ccCArray *  arr,
ssize_t  index 

Removes value at specified index and fills the gap with the last value, thereby avoiding the need to push back subsequent values.

Behavior undefined if index outside [0, num-1].

void cocos2d::ccCArrayFree ( ccCArray *  arr)

Frees C array after removing all remaining values.

Silently ignores nil arr.

void cocos2d::ccCArrayFullRemoveArray ( ccCArray *  arr,
ccCArray *  minusArr 

Removes from arr all values in minusArr.

For each value in minusArr, all matching instances in arr will be removed.

ssize_t cocos2d::ccCArrayGetIndexOfValue ( ccCArray *  arr,
void *  value 

Returns index of first occurrence of value, NSNotFound if value not found.

void cocos2d::ccCArrayInsertValueAtIndex ( ccCArray *  arr,
void *  value,
ssize_t  index 

Inserts a value at a certain position.

Behavior undefined if array doesn't have enough capacity

ccCArray* cocos2d::ccCArrayNew ( ssize_t  capacity)

Allocates and initializes a new C array with specified capacity.

void cocos2d::ccCArrayRemoveAllValues ( ccCArray *  arr)

Removes all values from arr.

void cocos2d::ccCArrayRemoveArray ( ccCArray *  arr,
ccCArray *  minusArr 

Removes from arr all values in minusArr.

For each Value in minusArr, the first matching instance in arr will be removed.

void cocos2d::ccCArrayRemoveValue ( ccCArray *  arr,
void *  value 

Searches for the first occurrence of value and removes it.

If value is not found the function has no effect.

void cocos2d::ccCArrayRemoveValueAtIndex ( ccCArray *  arr,
ssize_t  index 

Removes value at specified index and pushes back all subsequent values.

Behavior undefined if index outside [0, num-1].

void CC_DLL cocos2d::CCLogIPAddresses ( )
int cocos2d::ccNextPOT ( int  value)

returns the Next Power of Two value.


  • If "value" is 15, it will return 16.
  • If "value" is 16, it will return 16.
  • If "value" is 17, it will return 32.
std::string CC_DLL cocos2d::CCUnicodeToUtf8 ( const wchar_t *  pwszStr)
std::wstring CC_DLL cocos2d::CCUtf8ToUnicode ( const char *  pszUtf8Str,
unsigned  len = -1 
CC_DLL void cocos2d::CGAffineToGL ( const AffineTransform &  t,
GLfloat *  m 
public delegate void cocos2d::Cocos2dEditBoxDelegate ( Platform::String^  strPlaceHolder,
Platform::String^  strText,
int  maxLength,
int  inputMode,
int  inputFlag,
Windows::Foundation::EventHandler< Platform::String^>^  receiveHandler 
public delegate void cocos2d::Cocos2dEventDelegate ( Cocos2dEvent  event,
Platform::String^  text 
public delegate void cocos2d::Cocos2dMessageBoxDelegate ( Platform::String^  title,
Platform::String^  text 
public delegate void cocos2d::Cocos2dOpenURLDelegate ( Platform::String^  url)
CC_DLL const char* cocos2d::cocos2dVersion ( )
float cocos2d::ConvertDipsToPixels ( float  dips)
RefPtr<T> cocos2d::dynamic_pointer_cast ( const RefPtr< U > &  r)

Cast between RefPtr types dynamically.

std::string CC_DLL cocos2d::getDeviceIPAddresses ( )
float cocos2d::getScaledDPIValue ( float  v)
int CC_DLL cocos2d::gettimeofday ( struct timeval *  ,
struct timezone  
CC_DLL void cocos2d::GLToCGAffine ( const GLfloat *  m,
AffineTransform *  t 
CC_DLL bool cocos2d::iscjk_unicode ( unsigned short  ch)

Whether the character is a Chinese/Japanese/Korean character.

chthe unicode character
whether the character is a Chinese character.
Please use StringUtils::isCJKUnicode instead
See also
CC_DLL bool cocos2d::isspace_unicode ( unsigned short  ch)

Whether the character is a whitespace character.

chthe unicode character
whether the character is a white space character.
Please use StringUtils::isUnicodeSpace instead
See also
void CC_DLL cocos2d::log ( const char *  format,

Output Debug message.

const PhysicsMaterial cocos2d::PHYSICSBODY_MATERIAL_DEFAULT ( 0.  1f,
0.  5f,
0.  5f 
const PhysicsMaterial cocos2d::PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT ( 0.  0f,
0.  5f,
0.  5f 
Platform::String cocos2d::PlatformStringFromString ( const std::string &  s)
std::string cocos2d::PlatformStringToString ( Platform::String^  s)
CC_DLL Vec2 cocos2d::PointApplyTransform ( const Vec2 point,
const Mat4 transform 
void cocos2d::pthread_mutex_destroy ( pthread_mutex_t *  m)
void cocos2d::pthread_mutex_init ( pthread_mutex_t *  m,
void *  attributes 
int cocos2d::pthread_mutex_lock ( pthread_mutex_t *  m)
int cocos2d::pthread_mutex_unlock ( pthread_mutex_t *  m)
float cocos2d::rand_0_1 ( )

Returns a random float between 0 and 1.

It can be seeded using std::srand(seed);

float cocos2d::rand_minus1_1 ( )

Returns a random float between -1 and 1.

It can be seeded using std::srand(seed);

T cocos2d::random ( min,

returns a random value between min and max

float cocos2d::random ( float  min,
float  max 
long double cocos2d::random ( long double  min,
long double  max 
double cocos2d::random ( double  min,
double  max 
int cocos2d::random ( )

Returns a random int between 0 and RAND_MAX.

Concurrency::task<Platform::Array<byte>^> cocos2d::ReadDataAsync ( Platform::String^  path)
CC_DLL Rect cocos2d::RectApplyAffineTransform ( const Rect &  rect,
const AffineTransform &  anAffineTransform 
CC_DLL Rect cocos2d::RectApplyTransform ( const Rect &  rect,
const Mat4 transform 
public delegate void cocos2d::RequestAdditionalFrameHandler ( )
RefPtr<T> cocos2d::static_pointer_cast ( const RefPtr< U > &  r)

Cast between RefPtr types statically.

void cocos2d::tgaDestroy ( tImageTGA info)

releases the memory used for the image

tImageTGA* cocos2d::tgaLoad ( const char *  filename)

this is the function to call when we want to load an image

tImageTGA* cocos2d::tgaLoadBuffer ( unsigned char *  buffer,
long  size 

this is the function to call when we want to load an image buffer.

bool cocos2d::tgaLoadHeader ( unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned long  bufSize,
tImageTGA info 

load the image header fields. We only keep those that matter!

bool cocos2d::tgaLoadImageData ( unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned long  bufSize,
tImageTGA info 

loads the image pixels. You shouldn't call this function directly

void cocos2d::tgaRGBtogreyscale ( tImageTGA info)
CC_DLL Mat4 cocos2d::TransformConcat ( const Mat4 t1,
const Mat4 t2 

Variable Documentation

CC_DLL const AffineTransform AffineTransformIdentity
std::string CC_DLL s_attributeNames[]
const std::string CC_DLL STD_STRING_EMPTY
CC_DLL const ValueMapIntKey ValueMapIntKeyNull
CC_DLL const ValueMap ValueMapNull
CC_DLL const ValueVector ValueVectorNull