
Inherits: Node2D < CanvasItem < Node < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Sprite node that can use multiple textures for animation.

Member Functions

int get_frame ( ) const
Color get_modulate ( ) const
Vector2 get_offset ( ) const
SpriteFrames get_sprite_frames ( ) const
bool is_centered ( ) const
bool is_flipped_h ( ) const
bool is_flipped_v ( ) const
void set_centered ( bool centered )
void set_flip_h ( bool flip_h )
void set_flip_v ( bool flip_v )
void set_frame ( int frame )
void set_modulate ( Color modulate )
void set_offset ( Vector2 offset )
void set_sprite_frames ( SpriteFrames sprite_frames )


  • frame_changed ( )


Sprite node that can use multiple textures for animation.

Member Function Description

  • int get_frame ( ) const

Return the visible frame index.

  • Color get_modulate ( ) const

Return the color modulation for this sprite.

Return the offset of the sprite in the node origin.

Get the SpriteFrames resource, which contains all frames.

  • bool is_centered ( ) const

Return true when centered. See set_centered.

  • bool is_flipped_h ( ) const

Return true if sprite is flipped horizontally.

  • bool is_flipped_v ( ) const

Return true if sprite is flipped vertically.

  • void set_centered ( bool centered )

When turned on, offset at (0,0) is the center of the sprite, when off, the top-left corner is.

  • void set_flip_h ( bool flip_h )

If true, sprite is flipped horizontally.

  • void set_flip_v ( bool flip_v )

If true, sprite is flipped vertically.

  • void set_frame ( int frame )

Set the visible sprite frame index (from the list of frames inside the SpriteFrames resource).

  • void set_modulate ( Color modulate )

Change the color modulation (multiplication) for this sprite.

  • void set_offset ( Vector2 offset )

Set the offset of the sprite in the node origin. Position varies depending on whether it is centered or not.

Set the SpriteFrames resource, which contains all frames.