
Inherits: Node < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Animation Player that uses a node graph for the blending.

Member Functions

void add_node ( int type, String id )
void advance ( float delta )
Animation animation_node_get_animation ( String id ) const
String animation_node_get_master_animation ( String id ) const
void animation_node_set_animation ( String id, Animation animation )
void animation_node_set_master_animation ( String id, String source )
float blend2_node_get_amount ( String id ) const
void blend2_node_set_amount ( String id, float blend )
void blend2_node_set_filter_path ( String id, NodePath path, bool enable )
float blend3_node_get_amount ( String id ) const
void blend3_node_set_amount ( String id, float blend )
Vector2 blend4_node_get_amount ( String id ) const
void blend4_node_set_amount ( String id, Vector2 blend )
int connect ( String id, String dst_id, int dst_input_idx )
void disconnect ( String id, int dst_input_idx )
int get_animation_process_mode ( ) const
NodePath get_base_path ( ) const
NodePath get_master_player ( ) const
StringArray get_node_list ( )
bool is_active ( ) const
bool is_connected ( String id, String dst_id, int dst_input_idx ) const
float mix_node_get_amount ( String id ) const
void mix_node_set_amount ( String id, float ratio )
bool node_exists ( String node ) const
int node_get_input_count ( String id ) const
String node_get_input_source ( String id, int idx ) const
Vector2 node_get_pos ( String id ) const
int node_get_type ( String id ) const
int node_rename ( String node, String new_name )
void node_set_pos ( String id, Vector2 screen_pos )
float oneshot_node_get_autorestart_delay ( String id ) const
float oneshot_node_get_autorestart_random_delay ( String id ) const
float oneshot_node_get_fadein_time ( String id ) const
float oneshot_node_get_fadeout_time ( String id ) const
bool oneshot_node_has_autorestart ( String id ) const
bool oneshot_node_is_active ( String id ) const
void oneshot_node_set_autorestart ( String id, bool enable )
void oneshot_node_set_autorestart_delay ( String id, float delay_sec )
void oneshot_node_set_autorestart_random_delay ( String id, float rand_sec )
void oneshot_node_set_fadein_time ( String id, float time_sec )
void oneshot_node_set_fadeout_time ( String id, float time_sec )
void oneshot_node_set_filter_path ( String id, NodePath path, bool enable )
void oneshot_node_start ( String id )
void oneshot_node_stop ( String id )
void recompute_caches ( )
void remove_node ( String id )
void reset ( )
void set_active ( bool enabled )
void set_animation_process_mode ( int mode )
void set_base_path ( NodePath path )
void set_master_player ( NodePath nodepath )
float timescale_node_get_scale ( String id ) const
void timescale_node_set_scale ( String id, float scale )
void timeseek_node_seek ( String id, float pos_sec )
void transition_node_delete_input ( String id, int input_idx )
int transition_node_get_current ( String id ) const
int transition_node_get_input_count ( String id ) const
float transition_node_get_xfade_time ( String id ) const
bool transition_node_has_input_auto_advance ( String id, int input_idx ) const
void transition_node_set_current ( String id, int input_idx )
void transition_node_set_input_auto_advance ( String id, int input_idx, bool enable )
void transition_node_set_input_count ( String id, int count )
void transition_node_set_xfade_time ( String id, float time_sec )

Numeric Constants

  • NODE_MIX = 3
  • NODE_BLEND2 = 4
  • NODE_BLEND3 = 5
  • NODE_BLEND4 = 6


Animation Player that uses a node graph for the blending. This kind of player is very useful when animating character or other skeleton based rigs, because it can combine several animations to form a desired pose.

Member Function Description

Add a node of a given type in the graph with given id.

  • void advance ( float delta )
  • String animation_node_get_master_animation ( String id ) const

Set the animation for an animation node.

  • void animation_node_set_master_animation ( String id, String source )
  • void blend2_node_set_amount ( String id, float blend )
  • void blend3_node_set_amount ( String id, float blend )
  • void disconnect ( String id, int dst_input_idx )
  • int get_animation_process_mode ( ) const
  • bool is_active ( ) const

Check if a node exists (by name).

  • int node_get_input_count ( String id ) const

Return the input count for a given node. Different types of nodes have different amount of inputs.

Return the input source for a given node input.

Get the node type, will return from NODE_* enum.

Rename a node in the graph.

  • float oneshot_node_get_autorestart_delay ( String id ) const
  • float oneshot_node_get_autorestart_random_delay ( String id ) const
  • float oneshot_node_get_fadein_time ( String id ) const
  • float oneshot_node_get_fadeout_time ( String id ) const
  • bool oneshot_node_has_autorestart ( String id ) const
  • void oneshot_node_set_autorestart ( String id, bool enable )
  • void oneshot_node_set_autorestart_delay ( String id, float delay_sec )
  • void oneshot_node_set_autorestart_random_delay ( String id, float rand_sec )
  • void oneshot_node_set_fadein_time ( String id, float time_sec )
  • void oneshot_node_set_fadeout_time ( String id, float time_sec )
  • void oneshot_node_start ( String id )
  • void oneshot_node_stop ( String id )
  • void recompute_caches ( )
  • void remove_node ( String id )
  • void reset ( )
  • void set_active ( bool enabled )
  • void set_animation_process_mode ( int mode )
  • void set_master_player ( NodePath nodepath )
  • void timescale_node_set_scale ( String id, float scale )
  • void transition_node_delete_input ( String id, int input_idx )
  • int transition_node_get_current ( String id ) const
  • int transition_node_get_input_count ( String id ) const
  • float transition_node_get_xfade_time ( String id ) const
  • bool transition_node_has_input_auto_advance ( String id, int input_idx ) const
  • void transition_node_set_current ( String id, int input_idx )
  • void transition_node_set_input_auto_advance ( String id, int input_idx, bool enable )
  • void transition_node_set_input_count ( String id, int count )
  • void transition_node_set_xfade_time ( String id, float time_sec )