
Inherits: Node2D < CanvasItem < Node < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

General purpose Sprite node.

Member Functions

int get_frame ( ) const
int get_hframes ( ) const
Color get_modulate ( ) const
Vector2 get_offset ( ) const
Rect2 get_region_rect ( ) const
Texture get_texture ( ) const
int get_vframes ( ) const
bool is_centered ( ) const
bool is_flipped_h ( ) const
bool is_flipped_v ( ) const
bool is_region ( ) const
void set_centered ( bool centered )
void set_flip_h ( bool flip_h )
void set_flip_v ( bool flip_v )
void set_frame ( int frame )
void set_hframes ( int hframes )
void set_modulate ( Color modulate )
void set_offset ( Vector2 offset )
void set_region ( bool enabled )
void set_region_rect ( Rect2 rect )
void set_texture ( Texture texture )
void set_vframes ( int vframes )


  • frame_changed ( )


General purpose Sprite node. This Sprite node can show any texture as a sprite. The texture can be used as a spritesheet for animation, or only a region from a bigger texture can referenced, like an atlas.

Member Function Description

  • int get_frame ( ) const

Return the texture frame for a sprite-sheet, works when vframes or hframes are greater than 1.

  • int get_hframes ( ) const

Return the amount of horizontal frames. See set_hframes.

  • Color get_modulate ( ) const

Return color modulation for the sprite. All sprite pixels are multiplied by this color.

Return sprite draw offset.

  • Rect2 get_region_rect ( ) const

Return the region rect to read from.

Return the base texture for the sprite.

  • int get_vframes ( ) const

Return the amount of vertical frames. See set_vframes.

  • bool is_centered ( ) const

Return if the sprite is centered at the local origin.

  • bool is_flipped_h ( ) const

Return true if the sprite is flipped horizontally.

  • bool is_flipped_v ( ) const

Return true if the sprite is flipped vertically.

  • bool is_region ( ) const

Return if the sprite reads from a region.

  • void set_centered ( bool centered )

Set whether the sprite should be centered on the origin.

  • void set_flip_h ( bool flip_h )

Set true to flip the sprite horizontally.

  • void set_flip_v ( bool flip_v )

Set true to flip the sprite vertically.

  • void set_frame ( int frame )

Set the texture frame for a sprite-sheet, works when vframes or hframes are greater than 1.

  • void set_hframes ( int hframes )

Set the amount of horizontal frames and converts the sprite into a sprite-sheet. This is useful for animation.

  • void set_modulate ( Color modulate )

Set color modulation for the sprite. All sprite pixels are multiplied by this color. Color may contain rgb values above 1 to achieve a highlight effect.

  • void set_offset ( Vector2 offset )

Set the sprite draw offset, useful for setting rotation pivots.

  • void set_region ( bool enabled )

Set the sprite as a sub-region of a bigger texture. Useful for texture-atlases.

  • void set_region_rect ( Rect2 rect )

Set the region rect to read from.

  • void set_texture ( Texture texture )

Set the base texture for the sprite.

  • void set_vframes ( int vframes )

Set the amount of vertical frames and converts the sprite into a sprite-sheet. This is useful for animation.