
Inherits: Resource < Reference < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Library of meshes.

Member Functions

void clear ( )
void create_item ( int id )
IntArray get_item_list ( ) const
Mesh get_item_mesh ( int id ) const
String get_item_name ( int id ) const
Shape get_item_shape ( int id ) const
int get_last_unused_item_id ( ) const
void remove_item ( int id )
void set_item_mesh ( int id, Mesh mesh )
void set_item_name ( int id, String name )
void set_item_shape ( int id, Shape shape )


Library of meshes. Contains a list of Mesh resources, each with name and ID. Useful for GridMap or painting Terrain.

Member Function Description

  • void clear ( )

Clear the library.

  • void create_item ( int id )

Create a new item in the library, supplied an id.

Return the list of items.

  • Mesh get_item_mesh ( int id ) const

Return the mesh of the item.

Return the name of the item.

  • int get_last_unused_item_id ( ) const

Get an unused id for a new item.

  • void remove_item ( int id )

Remove the item.

  • void set_item_mesh ( int id, Mesh mesh )

Set the mesh of the item.

Set the name of the item.

  • void set_item_shape ( int id, Shape shape )