
Inherits: StyleBox < Resource < Reference < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Texture Based 3x3 scale style.

Member Functions

bool get_draw_center ( ) const
float get_expand_margin_size ( int margin ) const
float get_margin_size ( int margin ) const
Texture get_texture ( ) const
void set_draw_center ( bool enable )
void set_expand_margin_size ( int margin, float size )
void set_margin_size ( int margin, float size )
void set_texture ( Texture texture )


Texture Based 3x3 scale style. This stylebox performs a 3x3 scaling of a texture, where only the center cell is fully stretched. This allows for the easy creation of bordered styles.

Member Function Description

  • bool get_draw_center ( ) const
  • float get_expand_margin_size ( int margin ) const
  • float get_margin_size ( int margin ) const
  • void set_draw_center ( bool enable )
  • void set_expand_margin_size ( int margin, float size )
  • void set_margin_size ( int margin, float size )
  • void set_texture ( Texture texture )