
Inherits: Container < Control < CanvasItem < Node < Object

Inherited By: HSplitContainer, VSplitContainer

Category: Core

Brief Description

Container for splitting and adjusting.

Member Functions

int get_dragger_visibility ( ) const
int get_split_offset ( ) const
bool is_collapsed ( ) const
void set_collapsed ( bool collapsed )
void set_dragger_visibility ( int mode )
void set_split_offset ( int offset )


  • dragged ( int offset )

Numeric Constants

  • DRAGGER_VISIBLE = 0 — The split dragger is visible.
  • DRAGGER_HIDDEN = 1 — The split dragger is invisible.
  • DRAGGER_HIDDEN_COLLAPSED = 2 — The split dragger is invisible and collapsed.


Container for splitting two controls vertically or horizontally, with a grabber that allows adjusting the split offset or ratio.

Member Function Description

  • int get_dragger_visibility ( ) const

Return visibility of the split dragger(One of DRAGGER_VISIBLE, DRAGGER_HIDDEN or DRAGGER_HIDDEN_COLLAPSED).

  • int get_split_offset ( ) const

Return the split offset.

  • bool is_collapsed ( ) const

Return true if the split is collapsed.

  • void set_collapsed ( bool collapsed )

Set if the split must be collapsed.

  • void set_dragger_visibility ( int mode )

Set visibility of the split dragger(mode must be one of DRAGGER_VISIBLE, DRAGGER_HIDDEN or DRAGGER_HIDDEN_COLLAPSED).

  • void set_split_offset ( int offset )

Set the split offset.