
Inherits: Control < CanvasItem < Node < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Label that displays rich text.

Member Functions

void add_image ( Texture image )
void add_text ( String text )
int append_bbcode ( String bbcode )
void clear ( )
String get_bbcode ( ) const
int get_tab_size ( ) const
int get_total_character_count ( ) const
Object get_v_scroll ( )
int get_visible_characters ( ) const
bool is_meta_underlined ( ) const
bool is_scroll_active ( ) const
bool is_scroll_following ( ) const
bool is_selection_enabled ( ) const
bool is_using_bbcode ( ) const
void newline ( )
int parse_bbcode ( String bbcode )
void pop ( )
void push_align ( int align )
void push_cell ( )
void push_color ( Color color )
void push_font ( Object font )
void push_indent ( int level )
void push_list ( int type )
void push_meta ( var data )
void push_table ( int columns )
void push_underline ( )
void scroll_to_line ( int line )
void set_bbcode ( String text )
void set_meta_underline ( bool enable )
void set_scroll_active ( bool active )
void set_scroll_follow ( bool follow )
void set_selection_enabled ( bool enabled )
void set_tab_size ( int spaces )
void set_table_column_expand ( int column, bool expand, int ratio )
void set_use_bbcode ( bool enable )
void set_visible_characters ( int amount )


  • meta_clicked ( Nil meta )

Numeric Constants

  • ALIGN_LEFT = 0
  • ALIGN_FILL = 3
  • LIST_DOTS = 2
  • ITEM_FRAME = 0
  • ITEM_TEXT = 1
  • ITEM_IMAGE = 2
  • ITEM_FONT = 4
  • ITEM_COLOR = 5
  • ITEM_ALIGN = 7
  • ITEM_LIST = 9
  • ITEM_META = 11


Label that displays rich text. Rich text can contain custom text, fonts, images and some basic formatting. It also adapts itself to given width/heights.

Member Function Description

  • void add_text ( String text )
  • void clear ( )
  • int get_tab_size ( ) const
  • int get_total_character_count ( ) const
  • int get_visible_characters ( ) const
  • bool is_meta_underlined ( ) const
  • bool is_scroll_active ( ) const
  • bool is_scroll_following ( ) const
  • bool is_selection_enabled ( ) const

Return true if selecting the text inside this richtext is allowed.

  • bool is_using_bbcode ( ) const
  • void newline ( )
  • void pop ( )
  • void push_align ( int align )
  • void push_cell ( )
  • void push_color ( Color color )
  • void push_font ( Object font )
  • void push_indent ( int level )
  • void push_list ( int type )
  • void push_meta ( var data )
  • void push_table ( int columns )
  • void push_underline ( )
  • void scroll_to_line ( int line )
  • void set_bbcode ( String text )
  • void set_meta_underline ( bool enable )
  • void set_scroll_active ( bool active )
  • void set_scroll_follow ( bool follow )
  • void set_selection_enabled ( bool enabled )

Set to true if selecting the text inside this richtext is allowed.

  • void set_tab_size ( int spaces )
  • void set_table_column_expand ( int column, bool expand, int ratio )
  • void set_use_bbcode ( bool enable )
  • void set_visible_characters ( int amount )