
Inherits: StreamPeer < Reference < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

TCP Stream peer.

Member Functions

int connect ( String host, int port )
void disconnect ( )
String get_connected_host ( ) const
int get_connected_port ( ) const
int get_status ( ) const
bool is_connected ( ) const

Numeric Constants

  • STATUS_NONE = 0 — The initial status of the StreamPeerTCP, also the status after a disconnect.
  • STATUS_CONNECTING = 1 — A status representing a StreamPeerTCP that is connecting to a host.
  • STATUS_CONNECTED = 2 — A status representing a StreamPeerTCP that is connected to a host.
  • STATUS_ERROR = 3 — A staus representing a StreamPeerTCP in error state.


TCP Stream peer. This object can be used to connect to TCP servers, or also is returned by a tcp server.

Member Function Description

Connect to the specified IP:port pair. Returns OK on success or FAILED on failure.

  • void disconnect ( )

Disconnect from host.

  • String get_connected_host ( ) const

Return the IP of this peer.

  • int get_connected_port ( ) const

Return the port of this peer.

  • int get_status ( ) const

Return the status of the connection, one of STATUS_* enum.

  • bool is_connected ( ) const

Return whether this peer is connected. Returns true while connecting and connected.