
Inherits: Object

Inherited By: RegEx, SurfaceTool, EditorScenePostImport, PhysicsShapeQueryResult, Physics2DTestMotionResult, FuncRef, File, TCP_Server, Physics2DShapeQueryResult, ConfigFile, StreamPeer, HTTPClient, AudioStreamPlayback, MeshDataTool, GDFunctionState, Physics2DShapeQueryParameters, EditorScript, Mutex, PacketPeer, Semaphore, XMLParser, EditorImportPlugin, Directory, Marshalls, WeakRef, SceneState, GDNativeClass, PCKPacker, Resource, Thread, PackedDataContainerRef, ResourceInteractiveLoader, ResourceImportMetadata, PhysicsShapeQueryParameters

Category: Core

Brief Description

Base class for anything that keeps a reference count.

Member Functions

bool init_ref ( )
void reference ( )
bool unreference ( )


Base class for anything that keeps a reference count. Resource and many other helper objects inherit this. References keep an internal reference counter so they are only released when no longer in use.

Member Function Description

  • void reference ( )

Increase the internal reference counter. Use this only if you really know what you are doing.

  • bool unreference ( )

Decrease the internal reference counter. Use this only if you really know what you are doing.