
Inherits: Node2D < CanvasItem < Node < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Query the closest object intersecting a ray

Member Functions

void add_exception ( Object node )
void add_exception_rid ( RID rid )
void clear_exceptions ( )
Vector2 get_cast_to ( ) const
Object get_collider ( ) const
int get_collider_shape ( ) const
Vector2 get_collision_normal ( ) const
Vector2 get_collision_point ( ) const
int get_layer_mask ( ) const
int get_type_mask ( ) const
bool is_colliding ( ) const
bool is_enabled ( ) const
void remove_exception ( Object node )
void remove_exception_rid ( RID rid )
void set_cast_to ( Vector2 local_point )
void set_enabled ( bool enabled )
void set_layer_mask ( int mask )
void set_type_mask ( int mask )


A RayCast2D represents a line from its origin to its destination position cast_to, it is used to query the 2D space in order to find the closest object intersecting with the ray.

Member Function Description

  • void add_exception ( Object node )

Adds a collision exception so the ray does not report collisions with the specified node.

  • void add_exception_rid ( RID rid )
  • void clear_exceptions ( )

Removes all collision exception for this ray.

Return the destination point of this ray object

  • Object get_collider ( ) const

Return the closest object the ray is pointing to. Note that this does not consider the length of the vector, so you must also use is_colliding to check if the object returned is actually colliding with the ray.

  • int get_collider_shape ( ) const

Returns the collision shape of the closest object the ray is pointing to.

  • Vector2 get_collision_normal ( ) const

Returns the normal of the intersecting object shape face containing the collision point.

  • Vector2 get_collision_point ( ) const

Returns the collision point in which the ray intersects the closest object.

  • int get_layer_mask ( ) const

Returns the layer mask for this ray.

  • int get_type_mask ( ) const
  • bool is_colliding ( ) const

Return whether the closest object the ray is pointing to is colliding with the vector (considering the vector length).

  • bool is_enabled ( ) const

Returns whether this raycast is enabled or not

  • void remove_exception ( Object node )

Removes a collision exception so the ray does report collisions with the specified node.

  • void remove_exception_rid ( RID rid )
  • void set_cast_to ( Vector2 local_point )

Sets the ray destination point, so that the ray will test from the ray’s origin to local_point

  • void set_enabled ( bool enabled )

Enables the RayCast2D. Only enabled raycasts will be able to query the space and report collisions.

  • void set_layer_mask ( int mask )
  • void set_type_mask ( int mask )