
Inherits: Object

Inherited By: InputDefault

Category: Core

Brief Description

A Singleton that deals with inputs.

Member Functions

void action_press ( String action )
void action_release ( String action )
void add_joy_mapping ( String mapping, bool update_existing=false )
Vector3 get_accelerometer ( )
float get_joy_axis ( int device, int axis )
String get_joy_guid ( int device ) const
String get_joy_name ( int device )
int get_mouse_button_mask ( ) const
int get_mouse_mode ( ) const
Vector2 get_mouse_speed ( ) const
bool is_action_pressed ( String action )
bool is_joy_button_pressed ( int device, int button )
bool is_joy_known ( int device )
bool is_key_pressed ( int scancode )
bool is_mouse_button_pressed ( int button )
void remove_joy_mapping ( String guid )
void set_custom_mouse_cursor ( Texture image, Vector2 hotspot=Vector2(0,0) )
void set_mouse_mode ( int mode )
void warp_mouse_pos ( Vector2 to )


  • joy_connection_changed ( int index, bool connected )

Numeric Constants

  • MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE = 0 — Makes the mouse cursor visible if it is hidden.
  • MOUSE_MODE_HIDDEN = 1 — Makes the mouse cursor hidden if it is visible.
  • MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED = 2 — Captures the mouse. The mouse will be hidden and unable to leave the game window. But it will still register movement and mouse button presses.


A Singleton that deals with inputs. This includes key presses, mouse buttons and movement, joysticks, and input actions.

Member Function Description

  • void action_press ( String action )

This will simulate pressing the specificed action.

  • void action_release ( String action )

If the specified action is already pressed, this will release it.

  • void add_joy_mapping ( String mapping, bool update_existing=false )

Add a new mapping entry (in SDL2 format) to the mapping database. Optionally update already connected devices.

If the device has an accelerometer, this will return the movement.

Returns the current value of the joystick axis at given index (see JOY_* constants in @Global Scope)

Returns a SDL2 compatible device guid on platforms that use gamepad remapping. Returns “Default Gamepad” otherwise.

Returns the name of the joystick at the specified device index

  • int get_mouse_button_mask ( ) const

Returns mouse buttons as a bitmask. If multiple mouse buttons are pressed at the same time the bits are added together.

  • int get_mouse_mode ( ) const

Return the mouse mode. See the constants for more information.

  • Vector2 get_mouse_speed ( ) const

Returns the mouse speed.

Returns true or false depending on whether the action event is pressed. Actions and their events can be set in the Project Settings / Input Map tab. Or be set with InputMap.

  • bool is_joy_button_pressed ( int device, int button )

Returns if the joystick button at the given index is currently pressed. (see JOY_* constants in @Global Scope)

Returns if the specified device is known by the system. This means that it sets all button and axis indices exactly as defined in the JOY_* constants (see @Global Scope). Unknown joysticks are not expected to match these constants, but you can still retrieve events from them.

  • bool is_key_pressed ( int scancode )

Returns true or false depending on whether the key is pressed or not. You can pass KEY_*, which are pre-defined constants listed in @Global Scope.

  • bool is_mouse_button_pressed ( int button )

Returns true or false depending on whether mouse button is pressed or not. You can pass BUTTON_*, which are pre-defined constants listed in @Global Scope.

  • void remove_joy_mapping ( String guid )

Removes all mappings from the internal db that match the given uid.

  • void set_custom_mouse_cursor ( Texture image, Vector2 hotspot=Vector2(0,0) )

Set a custom mouse cursor image, which is only visible inside the game window. The hotspot can also be specified.

  • void set_mouse_mode ( int mode )

Set the mouse mode. See the constants for more information.

  • void warp_mouse_pos ( Vector2 to )

Sets the mouse position to the specified vector.