
Inherits: ConfirmationDialog < AcceptDialog < WindowDialog < Popup < Control < CanvasItem < Node < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Dialog for selecting files or directories in the filesystem.

Member Functions

void add_filter ( String filter )
void clear_filters ( )
int get_access ( ) const
String get_current_dir ( ) const
String get_current_file ( ) const
String get_current_path ( ) const
int get_mode ( ) const
VBoxContainer get_vbox ( )
void invalidate ( )
bool is_showing_hidden_files ( ) const
void set_access ( int access )
void set_current_dir ( String dir )
void set_current_file ( String file )
void set_current_path ( String path )
void set_mode ( int mode )
void set_show_hidden_files ( bool show )


Numeric Constants

  • MODE_OPEN_FILE = 0 — The dialog allows the selection of one, and only one file.
  • MODE_OPEN_FILES = 1 — The dialog allows the selection of multiple files.
  • MODE_OPEN_DIR = 2 — The dialog functions as a folder selector, disallowing the selection of any file.
  • MODE_SAVE_FILE = 3 — The dialog will warn when a file exists.
  • ACCESS_RESOURCES = 0 — The dialog allows the selection of file and directory.
  • ACCESS_USERDATA = 1 — The dialog allows ascess files under Resource path(res://) .
  • ACCESS_FILESYSTEM = 2 — The dialog allows ascess files in whole file system.


FileDialog is a preset dialog used to choose files and directories in the filesystem. It supports filter masks.

Member Function Description

  • void add_filter ( String filter )

Add a custom filter. Filter format is: “mask ; description”, example (C++): dialog->add_filter(“*.png ; PNG Images”);

  • void clear_filters ( )

Clear all the added filters in the dialog.

  • int get_access ( ) const

Return the file access permission of the dialog.

  • String get_current_dir ( ) const

Get the current working directory of the file dialog.

  • String get_current_file ( ) const

Get the current selected file of the file dialog (empty if none).

  • String get_current_path ( ) const

Get the current selected path (directory and file) of the file dialog (empty if none).

  • int get_mode ( ) const

Get the file dialog mode from the MODE_* enum.

Return the vertical box container of the dialog, custom controls can be added to it.

  • void invalidate ( )

Invalidate and update the current dialog content list.

  • bool is_showing_hidden_files ( ) const

Return true if the diaog allows show hidden files.

  • void set_access ( int access )

Set the file access permission of the dialog(Must be one of ACCESS_RESOURCES, ACCESS_USERDATA or ACCESS_FILESYSTEM).

  • void set_current_dir ( String dir )

Set the current working directory of the file dialog.

  • void set_current_file ( String file )

Set the current selected file name of the file dialog.

  • void set_current_path ( String path )

Set the current selected file path of the file dialog.

  • void set_mode ( int mode )

Set the file dialog mode from the MODE_* enum.

  • void set_show_hidden_files ( bool show )

Set the dialog should show hidden files.