
Inherits: Button < BaseButton < Control < CanvasItem < Node < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Button that pops out a ColorPicker

Member Functions

Color get_color ( ) const
ColorPicker get_picker ( )
bool is_editing_alpha ( ) const
void set_color ( Color color )
void set_edit_alpha ( bool show )


  • color_changed ( Color color )


Encapsulates a ColorPicker making it accesible by pressing a button, pressing the button will toggle the ColorPicker visibility

Member Function Description

  • Color get_color ( ) const

Gets the current color

  • bool is_editing_alpha ( ) const

See ColorPicker.is_edit_alpha

  • void set_color ( Color color )

Sets the current color

  • void set_edit_alpha ( bool show )

See ColorPicker.set_edit_alpha