
Inherits: Reference < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Helper tool to create geometry.

Member Functions

void add_bones ( IntArray bones )
void add_color ( Color color )
void add_normal ( Vector3 normal )
void add_smooth_group ( bool smooth )
void add_tangent ( Plane tangent )
void add_uv ( Vector2 uv )
void add_uv2 ( Vector2 uv2 )
void add_vertex ( Vector3 vertex )
void add_weights ( RealArray weights )
void begin ( int primitive )
void clear ( )
Mesh commit ( Mesh existing=NULL )
void deindex ( )
void generate_normals ( )
void index ( )
void set_material ( Material material )


Helper tool to create geometry.

Member Function Description

  • void add_color ( Color color )
  • void add_normal ( Vector3 normal )
  • void add_smooth_group ( bool smooth )
  • void add_tangent ( Plane tangent )
  • void add_vertex ( Vector3 vertex )
  • void begin ( int primitive )
  • void clear ( )
  • void deindex ( )
  • void generate_normals ( )
  • void index ( )
  • void set_material ( Material material )