Inherits: Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Operating System functions.

Member Functions

void alert ( String text, String title=”Alert!” )
bool can_draw ( ) const
bool can_use_threads ( ) const
void delay_msec ( int msec ) const
void delay_usec ( int usec ) const
void dump_memory_to_file ( String file )
void dump_resources_to_file ( String file )
int execute ( String path, StringArray arguments, bool blocking, Array output=Array() )
int find_scancode_from_string ( String string ) const
String get_clipboard ( ) const
StringArray get_cmdline_args ( )
int get_current_screen ( ) const
String get_custom_level ( ) const
String get_data_dir ( ) const
Dictionary get_date ( bool utc=false ) const
int get_dynamic_memory_usage ( ) const
String get_environment ( String environment ) const
String get_executable_path ( ) const
int get_frames_drawn ( )
float get_frames_per_second ( ) const
Array get_fullscreen_mode_list ( int screen=0 ) const
int get_iterations_per_second ( ) const
String get_locale ( ) const
Object get_main_loop ( ) const
String get_model_name ( ) const
String get_name ( ) const
int get_process_ID ( ) const
int get_processor_count ( ) const
String get_scancode_string ( int code ) const
int get_screen_count ( ) const
int get_screen_orientation ( ) const
Vector2 get_screen_position ( int screen=0 ) const
Vector2 get_screen_size ( int screen=0 ) const
int get_splash_tick_msec ( ) const
int get_static_memory_peak_usage ( ) const
int get_static_memory_usage ( ) const
String get_system_dir ( int dir ) const
int get_system_time_secs ( ) const
float get_target_fps ( ) const
int get_ticks_msec ( ) const
Dictionary get_time ( bool utc=false ) const
float get_time_scale ( )
Dictionary get_time_zone_info ( ) const
String get_unique_ID ( ) const
int get_unix_time ( ) const
Vector2 get_video_mode_size ( int screen=0 ) const
Vector2 get_window_position ( ) const
Vector2 get_window_size ( ) const
bool has_environment ( String environment ) const
bool has_touchscreen_ui_hint ( ) const
bool is_debug_build ( ) const
bool is_in_low_processor_usage_mode ( ) const
bool is_keep_screen_on ( ) const
bool is_ok_left_and_cancel_right ( ) const
bool is_scancode_unicode ( int code ) const
bool is_stdout_verbose ( ) const
bool is_video_mode_fullscreen ( int screen=0 ) const
bool is_video_mode_resizable ( int screen=0 ) const
bool is_window_fullscreen ( ) const
bool is_window_maximized ( ) const
bool is_window_minimized ( ) const
bool is_window_resizable ( ) const
int kill ( int pid )
bool native_video_is_playing ( )
void native_video_pause ( )
int native_video_play ( String path, float volume, String audio_track, String subtitle_track )
void native_video_stop ( )
void native_video_unpause ( )
void print_all_resources ( String tofile=”” )
void print_all_textures_by_size ( )
void print_resources_by_type ( StringArray types )
void print_resources_in_use ( bool short=false )
void set_clipboard ( String clipboard )
void set_current_screen ( int screen )
void set_icon ( Image icon )
void set_iterations_per_second ( int iterations_per_second )
void set_keep_screen_on ( bool enabled )
void set_low_processor_usage_mode ( bool enable )
void set_screen_orientation ( int orientation )
void set_target_fps ( int target_fps )
int set_thread_name ( String name )
void set_time_scale ( float time_scale )
void set_use_file_access_save_and_swap ( bool enabled )
void set_video_mode ( Vector2 size, bool fullscreen, bool resizable, int screen=0 )
void set_window_fullscreen ( bool enabled )
void set_window_maximized ( bool enabled )
void set_window_minimized ( bool enabled )
void set_window_position ( Vector2 position )
void set_window_resizable ( bool enabled )
void set_window_size ( Vector2 size )
void set_window_title ( String title )
int shell_open ( String uri )

Numeric Constants

  • DAY_SUNDAY = 0
  • DAY_MONDAY = 1
  • DAY_FRIDAY = 5
  • MONTH_MAY = 4
  • MONTH_JUNE = 5
  • MONTH_JULY = 6


Operating System functions. OS Wraps the most common functionality to communicate with the host Operating System, such as:

-Mouse Grabbing

-Mouse Cursors


-Video Mode

-Date ” Time


-Environment Variables

-Execution of Binaries

-Command Line

Member Function Description

  • bool can_draw ( ) const

Return true if the host OS allows drawing.

  • bool can_use_threads ( ) const
  • void delay_msec ( int msec ) const

Delay executing of the current thread by given milliseconds.

  • void delay_usec ( int usec ) const

Delay executing of the current thread by given microseconds.

  • void dump_memory_to_file ( String file )
  • void dump_resources_to_file ( String file )

Execute the binary file in given path, optionally blocking until it returns. A process ID is returned.

  • int find_scancode_from_string ( String string ) const
  • String get_clipboard ( ) const

Get clipboard from the host OS.

Return the commandline passed to the engine.

  • int get_current_screen ( ) const

Returns the current screen index (0 padded).

  • String get_custom_level ( ) const
  • String get_data_dir ( ) const

Return the absolute directory path of user data path(user://).

  • int get_dynamic_memory_usage ( ) const

Return the total amount of dynamic memory used (only works in debug).

Return an environment variable.

  • String get_executable_path ( ) const

Return the path to the current engine executable.

  • int get_frames_drawn ( )

Return the total amount of frames drawn.

  • float get_frames_per_second ( ) const

Returns the frames per second of the running game.

  • Array get_fullscreen_mode_list ( int screen=0 ) const

Return the list of fullscreen modes.

  • int get_iterations_per_second ( ) const

Return the amount of fixed iterations per second (for fixed process and physics).

Return the host OS locale.

  • Object get_main_loop ( ) const

Return the main loop object (see MainLoop).

  • String get_model_name ( ) const

Return the name of the host OS. Possible values are: “Android”, “BlackBerry 10”, “Flash”, “Haiku”, “iOS”, “HTML5”, “OSX”, “Server”, “Windows”, “WinRT”, “X11”

  • int get_process_ID ( ) const

Returns the game process ID

  • int get_processor_count ( ) const

Returns the number of cores available in the host machine.

  • String get_scancode_string ( int code ) const
  • int get_screen_count ( ) const

Returns the number of displays attached to the host machine

  • int get_screen_orientation ( ) const

Returns the current screen orientation, the return value will be one of the SCREEN_ORIENTATION constants in this class.

  • Vector2 get_screen_position ( int screen=0 ) const

Returns the dimensions in pixels of the specified screen.

  • int get_splash_tick_msec ( ) const
  • int get_static_memory_peak_usage ( ) const

Return the max amount of static memory used (only works in debug).

  • int get_static_memory_usage ( ) const
  • int get_system_time_secs ( ) const
  • float get_target_fps ( ) const
  • int get_ticks_msec ( ) const

Return the amount of time passed in milliseconds since the engine started.

  • float get_time_scale ( )
  • String get_unique_ID ( ) const
  • int get_unix_time ( ) const

Return the current unix timestamp.

  • Vector2 get_video_mode_size ( int screen=0 ) const

Return the current video mode size.

  • Vector2 get_window_position ( ) const

Returns the window position relative to the screen, the origin is the top left corner, +Y axis goes to the bottom and +X axis goes to the right.

  • Vector2 get_window_size ( ) const

Returns the size of the window (without counting window manager decorations).

  • bool has_environment ( String environment ) const

Return true if an environment variable exists.

  • bool has_touchscreen_ui_hint ( ) const
  • bool is_debug_build ( ) const
  • bool is_in_low_processor_usage_mode ( ) const

Return true if low cpu usage mode is enabled.

  • bool is_keep_screen_on ( ) const

Returns whether the screen is being kept on or not.

  • bool is_ok_left_and_cancel_right ( ) const
  • bool is_scancode_unicode ( int code ) const
  • bool is_stdout_verbose ( ) const

Return true if the engine was executed with -v (verbose stdout).

  • bool is_video_mode_fullscreen ( int screen=0 ) const

Return true if the current video mode is fullscreen.

  • bool is_video_mode_resizable ( int screen=0 ) const

Return true if the window is resizable.

  • bool is_window_fullscreen ( ) const

Returns whether the window is in fullscreen mode or not.

  • bool is_window_maximized ( ) const

Return true if the window is maximized.

  • bool is_window_minimized ( ) const

Return true if the window is minimized.

  • bool is_window_resizable ( ) const

Returns whether the window is resizable or not.

Kill a process ID (this method can be used to kill processes that were not spawned by the game).

  • bool native_video_is_playing ( )
  • void native_video_pause ( )
  • void native_video_stop ( )
  • void native_video_unpause ( )
  • void print_all_resources ( String tofile=”” )
  • void print_all_textures_by_size ( )
  • void print_resources_in_use ( bool short=false )
  • void set_clipboard ( String clipboard )

Set clipboard to the OS.

  • void set_current_screen ( int screen )
  • void set_icon ( Image icon )
  • void set_iterations_per_second ( int iterations_per_second )

Set the amount of fixed iterations per second (for fixed process and physics).

  • void set_keep_screen_on ( bool enabled )

Set keep screen on if true, or goes to sleep by device setting if false. (for Android/iOS)

  • void set_low_processor_usage_mode ( bool enable )

Set to true to enable the low cpu usage mode. In this mode, the screen only redraws when there are changes, and a considerable sleep time is inserted between frames. This way, editors using the engine UI only use very little cpu.

  • void set_screen_orientation ( int orientation )

Sets the current screen orientation, the argument value must be one of the SCREEN_ORIENTATION constants in this class.

  • void set_target_fps ( int target_fps )
  • void set_time_scale ( float time_scale )

Speeds up or slows down the physics by changing the delta variable. (delta * time_scale)

  • void set_use_file_access_save_and_swap ( bool enabled )

Change the video mode.

  • void set_window_fullscreen ( bool enabled )

Sets window fullscreen mode to the enabled argument, enabled is a toggle for the fullscreen mode, calling the function with enabled true when the screen is not on fullscreen mode will cause the screen to go to fullscreen mode, calling the function with enabled false when the screen is in fullscreen mode will cause the window to exit the fullscreen mode.

  • void set_window_maximized ( bool enabled )

Set the window size to maximized.

  • void set_window_minimized ( bool enabled )

Set whether the window is minimized.

  • void set_window_position ( Vector2 position )

Sets the position of the window to the specified position (this function could be restricted by the window manager, meaning that there could be some unreachable areas of the screen).

  • void set_window_resizable ( bool enabled )

Set the window resizable state, if the window is not resizable it will preserve the dimensions specified in the project settings.

  • void set_window_size ( Vector2 size )

Sets the window size to the specified size.

  • void set_window_title ( String title )

Sets the window title to the specified string.