
Inherits: Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Contains global variables accessible from everywhere.

Member Functions

void clear ( String name )
int get_order ( String name ) const
Object get_singleton ( String name ) const
String globalize_path ( String path ) const
bool has ( String name ) const
bool has_singleton ( String name ) const
bool is_persisting ( String name ) const
bool load_resource_pack ( String pack )
String localize_path ( String path ) const
int save ( )
int save_custom ( String file )
void set_order ( String name, int pos )
void set_persisting ( String name, bool enable )


Contains global variables accessible from everywhere. Use the normal Object API, such as “Globals.get(variable)”, “Globals.set(variable,value)” or “Globals.has(variable)” to access them. Variables stored in engine.cfg are also loaded into globals, making this object very useful for reading custom game configuration options.

Member Function Description

Clear the whole configuration (not recommended, may break things).

Return the order of a configuration value (influences when saved to the config file).

Convert a localized path (res://) to a full native OS path.

Return true if a configuration value is present.

If returns true, this value can be saved to the configuration file. This is useful for editors.

Convert a path to a localized path (res:// path).

Set the order of a configuration value (influences when saved to the config file).

  • void set_persisting ( String name, bool enable )

If set to true, this value can be saved to the configuration file. This is useful for editors.