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 Chapter 12. Scheduling

Compute uses the nova-scheduler service to determine how to dispatch compute and volume requests. For example, the nova-scheduler service determines which host a VM should launch on. The term "host" in the context of filters means a physical node that has a nova-compute service running on it. The scheduler is configurable through a variety of options.

Compute is configured with the following default scheduler options:

  • Compute. Configured to use the multi-scheduler, which allows the admin to specify different scheduling behavior for compute requests versus volume requests.

  • Volume scheduler. Configured as a chance scheduler, which picks a host at random that has the cinder-volume service running.

  • Compute scheduler. Configured as a filter scheduler, described in detail in the next section. In the default configuration, this scheduler will only consider hosts that are in the requested availability zone (AvailabilityZoneFilter), that have sufficient RAM available (RamFilter), and that are actually capable of servicing the request (ComputeFilter).

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