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 Libvirt Flat DHCP Networking

When using the libvirt driver, the setup will look like the figure below:


Figure 10.4. Flat DHCP network, multiple interfaces, multiple servers with libvirt driver

Be careful when setting up --flat_interface. If you specify an interface that already has an IP it will break and if this is the interface you are connecting through with SSH, you cannot fix it unless you have ipmi/console access. In FlatDHCP mode, the setting for --network_size should be number of IPs in the entire fixed range. If you are doing a /12 in CIDR notation, then this number would be 2^20 or 1,048,576 IP addresses. That said, it will take a very long time for you to create your initial network, as an entry for each IP will be created in the database.

If you have an unused interface on your hosts (eg eth2) that has connectivity with no IP address, you can simply tell FlatDHCP to bridge into the interface by specifying flat_interface=<interface> in your configuration file. The network host will automatically add the gateway ip to this bridge. If this is the case for you, edit your nova.conf file to contain the following lines:


You can also add the unused interface to br100 manually and not set flat_interface.

Integrate your network interfaces to match this configuration.

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