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 Part III: Installing the Needed Software for the Web-Scale Scenario

Basically launch a terminal window from any computer, and enter:

$ ssh -i mykeypair [email protected]

On this particular image, the 'ubuntu' user has been set up as part of the sudoers group, so you can escalate to 'root' via the following command:

$ sudo -i

 On the first VM, install WordPress

Now, you can install WordPress. Create and then switch to a blog directory:

$ mkdir blog
$ cd blog

Download WordPress directly to you by using wget:

$ wget

Then unzip the package using:

$ tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz

The WordPress package will extract into a folder called wordpress in the same directory that you downloaded latest.tar.gz.

Next, enter "exit" and disconnect from this SSH session.

 On a second VM, install MySQL

Next, SSH into another virtual machine and install MySQL and use these instructions to install the WordPress database using the MySQL Client from a command line: Using the MySQL Client - Wordpress Codex.

 On a third VM, install Memcache

Memcache makes Wordpress database reads and writers more efficient, so your virtual servers can go to work for you in a scalable manner. SSH to a third virtual machine and install Memcache:

$ apt-get install memcached

 Configure the Wordpress Memcache plugin

From a web browser, point to the IP address of your Wordpress server. Download and install the Memcache Plugin. Enter the IP address of your Memcache server.

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