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  Remote access to your cloudpipe instance from an OpenVPN client

Now your cloudpipe instance is running, you can use your favorite OpenVPN client in order to access your instances within their private network cloudpipe is connected to. In these sections we will present both ways of using cloudpipe, the first using a configuration file for clients without interfaces, and for clients using an interface.

Connect to your cloudpipe instance without an interface (CLI)

  1. Generate your certificates

    Start by generating a private key and a certificate for your project:

    $ nova x509-create-cert

  2. Create the openvpn configuration file

    The following template, which can be found under nova/cloudpipe/client.ovpn.template contains the necessary instructions for establishing a connection :

    # NOVA user connection
    # Edit the following lines to point to your cert files:
    cert /path/to/the/cert/file
    key /path/to/the/key/file
    ca cacert.pem
    dev tap
    proto udp
    remote $cloudpipe-public-ip $cloudpipe-port
    resolv-retry infinite
    # Downgrade privileges after initialization (non-Windows only)
    user nobody
    group nogroup
    # Set log file verbosity.
    verb 2
    keepalive 10 120

    Update the file accordingly. In order to get the public IP and port of your cloudpipe instance, you can run the following command :

    $ nova cloudpipe-list
    |            Project Id            | Public IP  | Public Port |  Internal IP  |
    | d1f5d27ccf594cdbb034c8a4123494e9 | | 1000        | |

  3. Start your OpenVPN client

    Depending on the client you are using, make sure to save the configuration file under the directory it should be, so the certificate file and the private key. Usually, the file is saved under /etc/openvpn/clientconf/client.conf

Connect to your cloudpipe instance using an interface

  1. Download an OpenVPN client

    In order to connect to the project's network, you will need an OpenVPN client for your computer. Here are several clients

  2. Configure your client

    In this example we will use Viscosity, but the same settings apply to any client. Start by filling the public ip and the public port of the cloudpipe instance.

    These informations can be found by running a

    $ nova cloudpipe-list
    |            Project Id            | Public IP  | Public Port |  Internal IP  |
    | d1f5d27ccf594cdbb034c8a4123494e9 | | 1000        | |

    Figure 10.9. Configuring Viscosity

    • Connection Name : "Openstack-cloudpipe"

      Remote server : ""

      Port : "1000"

      Protocol : "udp"

      Device Type : "tap"

    • Certificate : The generated certificate

      Key : The private key

    • Persistence options : "Persistent TUN" and "Persistent key"

      Other :" No bind"

    • Advanced

      Extra settings : "nobind" and "resolv-retry infinite"

You can now save the configuration and establish the connection!

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