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 Setting up credentials

To ensure services that you add to the catalog know about the users, tenants, and roles, you must create an admin token and create service users. These sections walk through those requirements.

 Admin Token

For a default installation of Keystone, before you can use the REST API, you need to define an authorization token. This is configured in keystone.conf file under the section [DEFAULT]. In the sample file provided with the keystone project, the line defining this token is

[DEFAULT] admin_token = ADMIN

This configured token is a "shared secret" between keystone and other OpenStack services, and is used by the client to communicate with the API to create tenants, users, roles, etc.

 Setting up tenants, users, and roles

You need to minimally define a tenant, user, and role to link the tenant and user as the most basic set of details to get other services authenticating and authorizing with keystone.

You will also want to create service users for Compute (nova), Image (glance), Object Storage (swift), etc. to be able to use to authenticate users against the Identity service (keystone). The auth_token middleware supports using either the shared secret described above as `admin_token` or users for each service.

See the configuration section for a walk through on how to create tenants, users, and roles.

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