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 Power-up your instance

Use the nova cloudpipe feature the following way :

$ nova cloud-pipe create $tenant_id

Retrive all the tenants :

$ keystone tenant-list
|                id                |   name  | enabled |
| 071ffb95837e4d509cb7153f21c57c4d | stone   | True    |
| 520b6689e344456cbb074c83f849914a | service | True    |
| d1f5d27ccf594cdbb034c8a4123494e9 | admin   | True    |
| dfb0ef4ab6d94d5b9e9e0006d0ac6706 | demo    | True    |

Let's create our cloudpipe project using the tenant"s ID :

$ nova cloudpipe-create d1f5d27ccf594cdbb034c8a4123494e9

We can check the service availability :

$ nova cloudpipe-list
|            Project Id            | Public IP  | Public Port |  Internal IP  |
| d1f5d27ccf594cdbb034c8a4123494e9 | | 1000        | |

The output basically shows our instance is started. Nova will create the necessary rules for our cloudpipe instance (icmp and OpenVPN port) :

ALLOW 1194:1194 from
ALLOW -1:-1 from

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