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 Using Migration

Before starting migrations, review the Configuring Migrations section.

Migration provides a scheme to migrate running instances from one OpenStack Compute server to another OpenStack Compute server. This feature can be used as described below.

  • First, look at the running instances, to get the ID of the instance you wish to migrate.

    # nova list
    |                  ID                  | Name | Status |Networks         |
    | d1df1b5a-70c4-4fed-98b7-423362f2c47c | vm1  | ACTIVE | private=a.b.c.d |
    | d693db9e-a7cf-45ef-a7c9-b3ecb5f22645 | vm2  | ACTIVE | private=e.f.g.h |

    Second, look at information associated with that instance - our example is vm1 from above.

    # nova show d1df1b5a-70c4-4fed-98b7-423362f2c47c
    |               Property              |                          Value                           |
    | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host                | HostB                                                    |
    | flavor                              | m1.tiny                                                  |
    | id                                  | d1df1b5a-70c4-4fed-98b7-423362f2c47c                     |
    | name                                | vm1                                                      |
    | private network                     | a.b.c.d                                                  |
    | status                              | ACTIVE                                                   |

    In this example, vm1 is running on HostB.

  • Third, select the server to migrate instances to.

    # nova-manage service list
    HostA nova-scheduler enabled  :-) None
    HostA nova-network enabled  :-) None
    HostB nova-compute enabled  :-) None
    HostC nova-compute enabled  :-) None

    In this example, HostC can be picked up because nova-compute is running on it.

  • Third, ensure that HostC has enough resource for migration.

    # nova-manage service describe_resource HostC
    HOST             PROJECT     cpu   mem(mb)     hdd
    HostC(total)                  16     32232     878
    HostC(used_now)               13     21284     442
    HostC(used_max)               13     21284     442
    HostC            p1            5     10240     150
    HostC            p2            5     10240     150
    • cpu:the number of cpu

    • mem(mb):total amount of memory (MB)

    • hdd:total amount of space for NOVA-INST-DIR/instances(GB)

    • 1st line shows total amount of resource physical server has.

    • 2nd line shows current used resource.

    • 3rd line shows maximum used resource.

    • 4th line and under is used resource per project.

  • Finally, use the nova live-migration command to migrate the instances.

    # nova live-migration d1df1b5a-70c4-4fed-98b7-423362f2c47c HostC
    Migration of d1df1b5a-70c4-4fed-98b7-423362f2c47c initiated.

    Make sure instances are migrated successfully with nova list. If instances are still running on HostB, check logfiles (src/dest nova-compute and nova-scheduler) to determine why.


    While the nova command is called live-migration, under the default Compute configuration options the instances are suspended before migration. See the Configuring Migrations section for more details.

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