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 Configuring Image Service and Storage for Compute

Compute relies on an external image service to store virtual machine images and maintain a catalog of available images. Compute is configured by default to use the OpenStack Image service (Glance), which is the only currently supported image service.

Table 4.8. Description of configuration options for glance
Configuration option=Default value (Type) Description
allowed_direct_url_schemes=[] (ListOpt)A list of url scheme that can be downloaded directly via the direct_url. Currently supported schemes: [file].
glance_api_insecure=False (BoolOpt)Allow to perform insecure SSL (https) requests to glance
glance_api_servers=['$glance_host:$glance_port'] (ListOpt)A list of the glance api servers available to nova. Prefix with https:// for ssl-based glance api servers. ([hostname|ip]:port)
glance_host=$my_ip (StrOpt)default glance hostname or ip
glance_num_retries=0 (IntOpt)Number retries when downloading an image from glance
glance_port=9292 (IntOpt)default glance port
glance_protocol=http (StrOpt)Default protocol to use when connecting to glance. Set to https for SSL.
osapi_glance_link_prefix=None (StrOpt)Base URL that will be presented to users in links to glance resources

If your installation requires the use of euca2ools for registering new images, you will need to run the nova-objectstore service. This service provides an Amazon S3 frontend for Glance, which is needed because euca2ools can only upload images to an S3-compatible image store.

Table 4.9. Description of configuration options for s3
Configuration option=Default value (Type) Description
buckets_path=$state_path/buckets (StrOpt)path to s3 buckets
image_decryption_dir=/tmp (StrOpt)parent dir for tempdir used for image decryption
s3_access_key=notchecked (StrOpt)access key to use for s3 server for images
s3_affix_tenant=False (BoolOpt)whether to affix the tenant id to the access key when downloading from s3
s3_host=$my_ip (StrOpt)hostname or ip for openstack to use when accessing the s3 api
s3_listen= (StrOpt)IP address for S3 API to listen
s3_listen_port=3333 (IntOpt)port for s3 api to listen
s3_port=3333 (IntOpt)port used when accessing the s3 api
s3_secret_key=notchecked (StrOpt)secret key to use for s3 server for images
s3_use_ssl=False (BoolOpt)whether to use ssl when talking to s3

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