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 Increase or Decrease Server Size

Server size is changed by applying a different flavor to the server. Before you begin, use nova flavor-list to review the flavors available to you.

$ nova flavor-list
| ID |    Name   | Memory_MB | Disk | Ephemeral | Swap | VCPUs | RXTX_Factor |
| 1  |  m1.tiny  |    512    |  0   |     0     |      |   1   |     1.0     |
| 2  |  m1.small |    2048   |  10  |     20    |      |   1   |     1.0     |
| 3  | m1.medium |    4096   |  10  |     40    |      |   2   |     1.0     |
| 4  |  m1.large |    8192   |  10  |     80    |      |   4   |     1.0     |
| 5  | m1.xlarge |   16384   |  10  |    160    |      |   8   |     1.0     |

In this example, we'll take a server originally configured with the m1.tiny flavor and resize it to m1.small.

      $ nova show acdfb2c4-38e6-49a9-ae1c-50182fc47e35
|        Property        |                          Value                           |
|   OS-DCF:diskConfig    |                          MANUAL                          |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state |                            1                             |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state  |                           None                           |
|  OS-EXT-STS:vm_state   |                          active                          |
|       accessIPv4       |                                                          |
|       accessIPv6       |                                                          |
|      config_drive      |                                                          |
|        created         |                   2012-05-09T15:47:48Z                   |
|         flavor         |                         m1.tiny                          |
|         hostId         | de0c201e62be88c61aeb52f51d91e147acf6cf2012bb57892e528487 |
|           id           |           acdfb2c4-38e6-49a9-ae1c-50182fc47e35           |
|         image          |                      maverick-image                      |
|        key_name        |                                                          |
|        metadata        |                            {}                            |
|          name          |                       resize-demo                        |
|    private network     |                                    |
|        progress        |                            0                             |
|     public network     |                                      |
|         status         |                          ACTIVE                          |
|       tenant_id        |             e830c2fbb7aa4586adf16d61c9b7e482             |
|        updated         |                   2012-05-09T15:47:59Z                   |
|        user_id         |             de3f4e99637743c7b6d27faca4b800a9             |

Use the resize command with the server's ID (6beefcf7-9de6-48b3-9ba9-e11b343189b3) and the ID of the desired flavor (2):

      $ nova resize 6beefcf7-9de6-48b3-9ba9-e11b343189b3 2  

While the server is rebuilding, its status will be displayed as RESIZING.

      $ nova list
| ID                                   | Name        | Status | Networks                                |
| 970e4ca0-f9b7-4c44-80ed-bf0152c96ae1 | resize-demo | RESIZE | private=, public= |

When the resize operation is completed, the status displayed is VERIFY_RESIZE. This prompts the user to verify that the operation has been successful; to confirm:

      $ nova resize-confirm 6beefcf7-9de6-48b3-9ba9-e11b343189b3

However, if the operation has not worked as expected, you can revert it by doing:

      $ nova resize-revert 6beefcf7-9de6-48b3-9ba9-e11b343189b3

In both cases, the server status should go back to ACTIVE.

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