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 Instance usage statistics

Use the nova diagnostics command to retrieve CPU, memory, I/O and network statistics from an instance:

$ nova diagnostics ubuntu
| Property         | Value         |
| cpu0_time        | 1138410000000 |
| memory           | 524288        |
| memory-actual    | 524288        |
| memory-rss       | 591664        |
| vda_errors       | -1            |
| vda_read         | 334864384     |
| vda_read_req     | 13851         |
| vda_write        | 2985382912    |
| vda_write_req    | 177180        |
| vnet4_rx         | 45381339      |
| vnet4_rx_drop    | 0             |
| vnet4_rx_errors  | 0             |
| vnet4_rx_packets | 106426        |
| vnet4_tx         | 37513574      |
| vnet4_tx_drop    | 0             |
| vnet4_tx_errors  | 0             |
| vnet4_tx_packets | 162200        |

Use the nova usage-list command to get summary statistics for each tenant:

$ nova usage-list
Usage from 2012-10-10 to 2012-11-08:
| Tenant ID                        | Instances | RAM MB-Hours | CPU Hours | Disk GB-Hours |
| 0eec5c34a7a24a7a8ddad27cb81d2706 | 8         | 240031.10    | 468.81    | 0.00          |
| 92a5d9c313424537b78ae3e42858fd4e | 5         | 483568.64    | 236.12    | 0.00          |
| f34d8f7170034280a42f6318d1a4af34 | 106       | 16888511.58  | 9182.88   | 0.00          |
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