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Logging is configured externally to the rest of Identity, the file specifying the logging configuration is in the [DEFAULT] section of the keystone.conf file under log_config. If you wish to route all your logging through syslog, set use_syslog=true option in the [DEFAULT] section.

A sample logging file is available with the project in the directory etc/logging.conf.sample. Like other OpenStack projects, Identity uses the `python logging module`, which includes extensive configuration options for choosing the output levels and formats.

In addition to this documentation page, you can check the etc/keystone.conf sample configuration files distributed with keystone for example configuration files for each server application.

For services which have separate paste-deploy ini file, auth_token middleware can be alternatively configured in [keystone_authtoken] section in the main config file, such as nova.conf. For example in Nova, all middleware parameters can be removed from api-paste.ini like these:

    paste.filter_factory =

and set in nova.conf like these:

      auth_host = 
      auth_port = 35357
      auth_protocol = http 
      auth_uri =
      admin_user = admin 
      admin_password = SuperSekretPassword
      admin_tenant_name = service 

Note that middleware parameters in paste config take priority, they must be removed to use values in [keystone_authtoken] section.

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