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 Terminate an Instance

When you no longer need an instance, use the nova delete command to terminate it. You can use the instance name or the ID string. You will not receive a notification indicating that the instance has been deleted, but if you run the nova list command, the instance will no longer appear in the list.

In this example, we will delete the instance tinyimage, which is experiencing an error condition.

$ nova list
|                  ID                  |    Name    | Status |                  Networks                 |
| 30ed8924-f1a5-49c1-8944-b881446a6a51 | tinyimage  | ERROR  | public=; private= |
| 4bb825ea-ea43-4771-a574-ca86ab429dcb | tinyimage2 | ACTIVE |  public=; private=  |
| 542235df-8ba4-4d08-90c9-b79f5a77c04f | smallimage | ACTIVE |  public=; private=  |
$ nova delete tinyimage
$ nova list
|                  ID                  |    Name    | Status |                  Networks                 |
| 4bb825ea-ea43-4771-a574-ca86ab429dcb | tinyimage2 | ACTIVE |  public=; private=  |
| 542235df-8ba4-4d08-90c9-b79f5a77c04f | smallimage | ACTIVE |  public=; private=  |
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